8 - Care

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"We're here." He said getting off the car. I saw Math guy, i think,  followed by two more people coming out of the cottage like house.

"What happened?"

"Come." Chase opened the door when I did not move from my seat.  Because, should I? What would happen then? Will this be the start of a new problem?

"Tsk." I automatically held my breath when he came closer... His brows are creased if I were not wearing a hoodie I might shiver. Something in him feels warm. *click* He moved away, my seatbelt unbuckled. He motion for me to get off the car. and I did.

"Are you alright?"

"Fionna, can you get her inside?"

"Okay... Hi, I'm Fionna," A girl walked towards me. "Let's come in, kay?" I nod, my mind a bit hazy.

"Do you want water? Anything?" I shook my head. I sat on the couch, staying in the corner of it. My hand crumpling the edges of my hoodie as the scene from a while ago repeats inside my head. Bones breaking... Blood. I shook my head. Come on, calm down.

"What do they want now?" It was... Jack, one of Chase's friend, a senior in our school.

"They deduced that she's my mate." Chase whispered, I felt eyes staring at me.

"Does she know about us?" His name is Marco, if I'm right.

"She saw them shifted." They were by the door.

"What do they want now?" It was Math guy, uhm.. Kyle. "it won't be safe for her anymore."

"I know."

"I heard one of them said, when we were patrolling. They said something about looking for an Alpha Rogue." Their voices are mixing and I'm losing focus.

"Does this have to do with the deaths of a hundred weres (werewolves) a few months ago?" I tuned them down. My head is starting to ache and my eyes feel heavy. Will I lose consciousness? No... I can't... Not right now. No.. I still need to live. I still need to fulfill my promise. I promise her, I will die an old lady.

The couch dipped and I don't have to look to see that it is Chase.

"What you saw..." He started.

"I don't care." I immediately cut him off, my voice is still. I'm trying to calm down. "I don't care whatever you and your friends and this whole damn thing is. I don't care about the Alpha stuff and a mate and... all of your..." i paused losing words. "Whatever." I stood up facing him.
"Look. You clearly doesn't want me, you told it yourself that day, that you reject me and stuff. And I don't l--" I paused again, realizing my words, and the pitch of my voice. "I don't want to be anywhere near you. I don't want you..."

"Stop!" My whole body froze. He yelled, eyes were... hurt. No. I stepped back. Suddenly regretting seeing him hurt. But why? "You're staying here! " he paused eyes glaring in pure of hatred, "whether you like it or not." I clenched my teeth, the sudden anger in the air boils my blood and if I don't refrain myself, it will grow much worse than that.

His eyes glazed, as if a cue , they all turned in one direction, as if sensing something outside.

"Jack, guard her." He said before stepping out with Kyle and Marco.
Guard me? Am I a prisoner?

"It will be okay." Someone held my arm. It was Fionna, her hazel eyes are staring deep almost shining with assurance. She's a good-natured person. I breathed out. She let go. I need to calm down. I started towards the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Jack.

"Kitchen. Drink." I pointed out. I need that water now.

He nod and both of them followed me. Fionna scurried and pour me a glass.

"Alpha is right, you don't know anything." He mumbled but my ears caught it. I finished my water. Who said that I want to be here, huh?

"Jack.. please." She interfered. For some reason, I feel like picking a fight.

"I wouldn't worry for someone who yells at me whenever he likes or just completely ignore me when he pleases."

"No, it's not like that." Fionna answered before Jack can. " He is just worried about you. He wants you to be safe." She said with persuasion and belief.

"You don't have to explain; I know where he's coming from." I added.

"You do?"

"It is his inherent trait to be a control freak. You do this. You do that..."

"Nathalia! Don't disrespect my Alpha!" Jack was to lunge at me if Fionna did not stop him.

Disrespect? Funny. You're talking about disrespect. I closed my eyes, heaving a breath. Disrespect. I opened my eyes. He surrendered on my war-freak attitude and decided to observe by the window. He seems to have a very deep... respect with Chase. I sighed, I should not agitate the guy.

I stared at my glass. The three of us waited. The eerie silence in the house is pretty discomforting. I buried my face on my crossed arms on the countertop. This is boring. But every click and strange noise, I rose from slouching. I haven't been in this discomfort, not this kind. I tried focusing on my breathing, but every now and then, my mind sways to another thought. Am I worried? Nah. I'm just bored.

I pulled out my phone.

"If I did not say otherwise, come find me the next day." I hit send to Aiyu. I didn't save any contact number on my phone, except for one, if fire station counts. I have this fear that when I am at the kitchen, the stove, the oven, even the fridge would explode and then fire. Well, maybe because of how Aiyu almost always burn the kitchen. He tried to cook. and that was how I learned how to cook. Trust a vampire to cook. Tsk. Did I say that he is a vampire? Well, he is.

Seconds, minutes, an hour has passed and I am bored. Really really bored. I don't feel sleepy or hungry, though Fionna told me where I can sleep or that she can heat some food for me. My eyes dropped to Jack, weighing if he is worried or not. Deciphering what he has on mind. Some seconds I can see his brows creasing, then back to stoic, then looking at me. Maybe to ensure that I haven't killed myself of boredom.

I closed my eyes, registering something. I adjusted my glasses and backed away to the farthest side of the countertop, where fresh flowers are in a vase. Fionna did not ask, instead went to open the door. I had to train my eyes on my glass. But my eyesight was too quick and have known what I suspect. There's blood. I know they are considered minor injuries but I cringed at the sight of it, the nature of their wound, my mind writhing on their flesh wounds. I bit my lip trying to focus on the smell of the flowers. I swallowed.

"They ran away. Tsk." Kyle's voice seemed annoyed.

Then, i felt eyes on me, and my hands slowly tremble, not too obvious but enough that he noticed.

"Tsk. Human." His voice, Chase's voice laced with disgust. There were footsteps and a bang of the door. Signaling he went to a room.

I faced the sink, my back at them, and count from 10 to 1.
10... 9... 8... He hates me
7... 6...  he thinks I am a burden
5... 4.... Why does he care then?
3... 2...  He said the bond did not break.
1.... I need to get out of here.

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