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Analise's POV

Once the meeting was over, I wanted to talk to Alexander but he was out of the room before I even knew it. I decided to wait till the party to talk to him. I went to my room and the usual empty hallways near my room were now crowded with the other people now residing in the castles as they occupied the other rooms.

As soon as I got in my room, I fell on my bed, happy to get a break from all those people and scrutinizing eyes. I did not even know when I fell asleep.

I was woken up when I felt a strange vibration. My ears picked up the noise of music drifting through the walls of the castle and muffled noise. I shot out of bed as I realised about the party. Scrambling around I took my phone that was lying on the bed and checked the time. I was late. 30 minutes late.

30 minutes is not that bad.

'Unless you want to make that thirty minute into an hour, I suggest you start getting ready' Crescent said and I realised I was still in my outfit from earlier. I groaned as I went into the closet, rummaging through my stash of clothes. I had no idea there would be a party tonight. So, I did not buy any dress and the beige dress that was still on the floor from earlier was a bit too formal. Besides, I think I liked my new style. Not only did it look pretty, but I also felt pretty in it

'Hot is the word you are looking for'

Letting out a small laugh, I looked for something with similar style to the suit I was wearing. I really need to get some new clothes. I was about to get up and not attend the party when a bag sitting in the corner caught my eye. Evelyne had forced me to buy this dress only last year when we had our usual prom at school but I did not wear it because it was an unusual style for me. In fact, I did not even go to the prom. The dress has been sitting in my closet since that day, still in its bag. I guess today would be a good day to wear it since I am trying on new things.

I took the bag and went back into the room. Taking it out of the back, the lavender silk felt soft to the touch and a small smile played at my lips as I remembered how much Evelyne and I bickered that day before I finally bought this dress. I quickly undressed and put on the new outfit.

Thankfully it still fitted me. If not, it looks even better than when I first tried it on in the fitting room. It is a long, lavender dress, with the top being in a corset style with a crystal trim and a slit on my right leg. Since it was a light color, my purple eyes stood out which was the main reason Evelyne made me buy this dress. I should thank her for this. I decided to leave my makeup and accessories untouched but switched my heels for white ones. I took my phone and left my room.

The muffled voices were now clearer as a soft melody played in the hall. The guards bowed to me and opened the door, allowing me in. I was glad I decided to wear this dress because everybody else was dressed in elegant dresses. I spotted my family in the corner, talking among themselves and I made my way towards them. They had all changed out of their previous attires.

When they saw me, Rayna was the first to speak. "You are late."

"1 hour to be precise." I smiled at her to which she scowled.

"Not only are you late but you also disrespect us."

"Come up with something new Rayna. These insults- if they can even be called one- are getting lame and boring" I rolled my eyes.

"Can you stop being a brat right now, Analise? We are in a room full of people." My mother looked ready to kill me as she grabbed my arm and nearly squeezed the life out of it. Though she applied a lot of pressure, it would take a lot more than that to hurt me now.

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