C H A P T E R 33

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Y/n hesitantly picked up the phone, her heart racing. Yeah, sure she was the one who wanted to FaceTime him, but she wasn't expecting him to pick up.


"Hey Brian!" Y/n exclaimed, setting her phone down .she opened the Lego set and dumped them onto the floor. She picked up the instructions and opened them.

"Watch you step on them by accident." He said, a clear smile in his voice. Y/n rolled her eyes and grabbed the phone, making a peace sign.

"I'm a master Lego builder. You're just jealous you can't help me." Hoodie laughed and got off the bed to grab his laptop.

"So where are the two responsible adults?" He asked, his face out of view from camera.

"They went house veiwing and to look at all the damage done. Won't be back for a while. What are you doing?"

"I'm writing an anonymous email to Masky saying that he should click on this link."

Y/n's face showed confusion.

"What does the link lead to?"

"Glad you asked. It leads to an ad for penis enlargement pills."

Y/n slapped a hand onto her mouth.

"Can- Should I ask why?"

"Because it's funny. And he has no clue it's me either." Hoodie said excitedly. Y/n giggled and started seperatibg the Legos by color; it would make the process way easier.

"Hey, I actually have something to ask you." Y/n said, biting her lip in anticipation.

"Yeah sure, what's up?"

The girl gave a small sigh; just ask him out. If he says yes then great! If not then...

"Can I ta-"

"Huh-Hoodie! Look at this- who are you calling?" Toby asked, cutting off Y/n.

"It's Y/n." Brian replied simply. Toby gasped and grabbed the phone, running into his room.

"Toby give me my phone back!" Brians voice became distant as Toby shut the door, flopping onto the bed.

"Hey rich bitch!"

"Don't ever call me that." Y/n said. She was a bit disappointed about how she couldn't get her question out.

"So what were you and Brian tuh-talking about?"

"Oh you know...about Legos." Y/n lied.

"Yuh-you should ask him out." Toby said jokingly. The girl went silent, and Toby realized what had happened.

"Wait were you going to-"

"I was if you didn't barge into the room so suddenly!"

"Oops. But it's fine, you'll have more chances. Now what do you think of thuh-these bracelets I made?" He held them up to the camera. They were pretty, definitely something he'd wear.

"I didn't know you were so good at making bracelets."

"I can teach you sometime! Then you can guh-give a bracelet to-" Someone entered the boys room.

"Who are you calling? And why on Brians phone?"

"I'm calling Y/n. Y/n say hi to Tim."

The girl chuckled and waved a hand. Masky have a slight wave I'm her direction, looking around the room.

"Give me back my charger dipshit."

"But mine broke." Toby whined. Masky took his charger and was about to leave when Toby jumped after him, tackling him to the ground.

"Holy shit!" Y/n yelled, still building the Legos. Hoodie walked through the two's fighting and picked up his phone.

"Sorry about that, Toby gets hyper easily. What were you two talking about anyways?"

"Nothing! Just about... bracelets."

"I'm guessing he showed you his bracelet collection?" Y/n quickly nodded and moved the phone to show the progress she had made so far.

"I'm a fucking architect." She bragged, obviously proud of her progress.

"It looks cool." Brian was about to go into his room before Toby yelled something.

"I'll come by tuh-tomorrow with the stuff!" He went back to fighting with Masky and hoodie held confusion.

"Y'all doing drugs or something?"

"Pfft, something like that "

Y/n ended up talking to Hoodie for hours, not caring that her parents weren't back yet. They probably went to her grandmas house or something.

"I have tons of friends! I'd just rather hang out with you." Y/n said in a matter of fact voice. She had finished the Lego set and it was proudly sitting on her night stand.

"Right because I'm so fun to hang out with."

Y/n giggled and closed her laptop, stretching her limbs.

"Speaking of hanging out, can I-"

Y/n heard the door downstairs open, indicating that her parents had come back.

"I have to go, but you're taking me out later right? I mean to kill!" Y/n said in a rush. Hoodie nodded and said his goodbyes, as did Y/n.

When they hung up, Y/n banged her head on the wall. Why didn't she just ask?

Going downstairs, Y/n met with her mom and Adam.

"Hello sweetie. We just had an amazing day!" Y/n gave a slight smile and watched as they turned on the T.V.

"You should go take a walk or something. You've been in the house for quite a while." Adam suggested. Y/n nodded and went back into her room. She said wasn't really in the mood for a walk; after all, she'd be walking later on today anyways.

Locking the door behind her, Y/n changed into a more suitable outfit to go out killing with. A black shirt with black jeans. Simple, but effective.

She still had an hour or two to spare, so the girl decided to play her guitar.

There was this song she wanted to write. It would hold a lot of meaning to her, and the lyrics would be something that spoke to her and others soul.

"Now to write a fucking banger of a song."


Two hours passed with the countless strumming of the guitar and Y/n trying out new lyrics, not realizing the time at all.

There was a knock at her window and Y/n jolted, not expecting the noise. She put her guitar to the side and opened the window for Hoodie, mumbling a 'hello' to him.


. . .



PRETTY VOICE | HOODIEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora