Chapter 12 || Determination

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The next day I was grateful that I haven't ran into Henry but I wasn't dumb enough to think that life was on my side today. I knew that it was still early in the day and sooner or later, I would see him or he would see me. My chest tightened and I didn't realise that I was fluffing the pillow in my hand too violently until Elizabeth stated it.

"You're okay?" She asked.

I nodded and glanced to my side at Harper who was just as violently clearing up the dining table since the Thompsons just finished their breakfast. Elizabeth followed my gaze but I just shrugged at her questioning look. It seems like I've spoken too soon, Harper was mad at me and she didn't even wait for me this morning as we got ready for work. Guilt had been eating at me since last night, on top of the exhaustion I felt due to not sleeping at all.

"You sure?" Elizabeth asked, raising her brow as she dusted off the legs of the chairs. "You two seem pretty quiet today." She mumbled eyeing between Harper and I.

I watch as Harper rolled her eyes and I knew that I was done with this. I didn't like the tension between us and I wanted her to speak to me again. I wanted to tell her everything she wanted to know if that would make her feel better. Last night I told myself that no matter what, I would never push someone who loves me away again. It hurt too much and speaking from experience, time really didn't heal - that was just a stupid saying that people should stop using.

"Are you really going to ignore me after I've tried to apologize the entire morning?" I moaned, deep down I knew that I deserved every bit of her attitude but that didn't make it hurt any less. "I'm sorry Harper." I pouted, knowing that it always worked on her.

Before Harper could speak, Elizabeth cut her off.

"Why are you ignoring her?" She asked, confusion decorating her perfect face.

Please don't.

"Because she's hiding things from us." Harper stated dryly, eyeing me like prey.

And she did.

"You are?" Elizabeth gasped and Harper smirked. "What are you hiding?"

She knew that no one could resist Elizabeth's cuteness and I wasn't a fool to fight it. I'd only lose and embarrass myself.

"Did it ever cross your mind that we know absolutely nothing about her?" Harper asked, earning a confused look from Elizabeth. "About her past I mean." She explained when it seemed as if Elizabeth didn't follow.

I groaned as I face palmed myself. Harper was making this worse than it already was and she knew that she could get under Elizabeth's skin. She also knew that Elizabeth could easily manipulate me into telling her everything and more. I sighed when her eyes widened.

"She's right." She gasped. "We really don't know anything about you." Her face scrunched up at the thought.

I gave in before Elizabeth could even try to guilt trip me.

"Let's finish up and go out and I'll explain everything." I sighed and Harper looked impressed.

"Okay." Elizabeth smiled. "Let's hurry up then."

Like flash, they finished their chores and I was left dumbfounded. They have never finished this quickly and Ella eyed us suspiciously when she came to sit by the window and what I'm assuming to scroll through social media on her iPad.

"We'll be outside if you need anything Miss Ella." Elizabeth nodded and Ella nodded back in reply.

She almost dragged me out of the front doors and we followed Harper as she decided to sit down on the lawn Michael just mowed. He shot us a wink as he walked away and Elizabeth blushed as she always does. Honestly, if they aren't already sleeping together then my name isn't Amelia. Elizabeth would just never admit it.

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