Chapter 27

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Sophie pov

We had just moved in together in our one bedroom apartment. It was small but was enough for both of us. Xander insisted that we move in together. And the main reason was 'food'. I didn't know how to cook and he didn't want me to live on takeouts. Mostly I did stay with him so it wasn't a very big step on my part. We had just completed one year but I already knew that he was the one for me. So going fast or slow didn't matter.

Once when Xander was taking an afternoon nap I headed to the kitchen. I could prepare instant noodles, coffee and tea but that was my limit. So switching on the gas without igniting the flame I started preparing tea. I could see that the water wasn't boiling but didn't pay much attention to it.

And then I saw Xander rush to my side and the next thing I know, I was kicked out of the kitchen. He immediately switched off the gas which had been leaking all this while which I couldn't smell because of my stuffy nose.

Well, I was reprimanded like a child and after that was banned from entering the kitchen. After an year of convincing I was allowed under 'adult' supervision but soon learned how to cook a proper meal and then it became our ritual of me preparing a meal and us eating together.

I was waiting for his reaction. I so badly wanted him to like it. As a child I was a kind of person who didn't care about what anyone thought of me. But while growing up with Xander he became a very important part of my while. His actions started influencing my decisions. It may be toxic for some but for me it did wonders. Because he was a complete package. He could act like a friend, parent, lover, or even a child if he wanted to. And his advice was always in my best interest. At first I didn't listen to anything he said and did what I wanted to but when I realised that what he says always comes out to be true, I started listening to him. Dealing with me was tough. I was really hard to handle at times and he was a very patient man.

Both of us were flawed at many levels. But we beautifully covered each other flaws and enhanced each other strength. That was the beauty of our relationship.

"This is delicious."

And I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Xander."

With his mouth full he continued speaking.

"No I mean this is so delectable Sophie. This is the best steak I ever had and I mean it. You get eleven out of ten. It is just perfect."

Did he really like it this much? I didn't know if it was the truth or not but I couldn't help but blush. Because I really wanted him to like it.

After we finished our dinner I washed the dishes and he towel dried it. It was an unsaid agreement that had been going on for a decade now.

Xander took the couch. It was little small for his height but before I could say anything he laid down. I could feel he was uncomfortable but he didn't say anything and just passed me a smile. The smile which was capable of making my day. I got him a pillow and a blanket while he tried his best to not show me how uncomfortable he really was.

I laid down quietly on my bed. I couldn't sleep knowing that Xander out there was uncomfotable. The man leaving the life of luxury was sleeping on that couch for me. It was past midnight when I came out of my room and saw him tossing and turning trying to adjust himself on the couch. I couldn't take that any longer.

"Xander, are you up?"

He sat up immediately and he looked like he had seen a ghost. He was scared for his life. Then cupping my face in his hands he asked with so much concern that it made my heart skip a beat.

"Sophie, baby, are you okay? Is it the headache or cramps? Do you want me to prepare tea for you? Wait let me get you some water."

He was my Xander who loved me to bones. Nothing had changed. He still loved me the same way as before. He still cared for me the same way. Before he could go towards the kitchen I held his hand and thats when I felt it. Our wedding band. He still hasn't removed it. And that's when my emotions got the best of me. I just went to his lap and hugged him. I had been wanting to do that for a long time now. I just wanted to be in his arms. Kissing him on his cheek I looked at him. For a moment Xander seemed lost but after that I saw a big smile on his face. The smile that made me fall in love with him.

"I am fine Xander. Just switch places with me. Go sleep on the bed."

I knew he was uncomfortable here. I couldn't let him sleep on this couch.

"No, you are not sleeping here. I don't want you move around having a stiff neck."

So I was right. My Xander was in pain but rather than taking care of himself he was concerned about my well being. I couldn't help myself and just kissed him again.

"I will adjust here Xander. You are tall. I will be fine."

Which was true. He was 6 feet and I was just 5'5. He was all muscular whereas I was on a leaner side. I will be comfortable.

"There is no point of discussion here. Do you want me to prepare something for you?"

I kept looking at him. I didn't know if it was a good idea to invite him to sleep on my bed but I had no other alternative. I couldn't let him sleep here. Taking his hand in mine I dragged him towards my bedroom.

"This bed is big enough for both of us. You take the left side and I will be on the right."

I just went under the covers and waited for him to join me. And when I felt the bed dip and heat radiate from his body I entered my dreamland.

And it was the best sleep I had in two years.

This for sure was my favourite chapter. I was so high on emotions writing this. I know this chapter deserves most of the criticisms too. Why was he even wearing a wedding band when he divorced her without giving a second thought? But here, its the emotions that count. He did make an impulsive decision in moment of anger but that doesn't change his feelings. We all make mistakes. We speak things we don't mean when we are angry. It doesn't necessarily mean that we want it.

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