What Bone He Would Break

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Pony: His nose

 He tripped over a hurdle at Track and face planted breaking his nose

Johnny: His Arm

He fell off the roof while watching a sunset with Pony 

Dally: His wrist

He was drunk and went over to flirt with some girls so he leaned on their table but the table broke so he fell and landed on his wrist

Soda: His ankle 

(When Soda was in school) Steve chased him down the hall and Soda tripped and fell down the stairs 

Steve: His leg

He tried to show off by doing a flip of the roof but It didn't end so well

Two-Bit: His collar bone 

He was trying to steal something but someone saw him so he turned to run but ran right into the store shelves then they all fell on him and he broke his collar bone

Darry: 2 ribs

When he was on the football team they got drunk at a party and tried to knock over a tree, Darry got a running start, The tree was bigger then he thought. 

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