Chapter Ten - Date Rape and Pill Popping

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A loud knock sounded at my door at 7:46. Mr. Greggs was running late. I opened the door revealing the tired old man, dressed to the T in a navy dress shirt and black dress pants. His black shoes looked as though they'd been polished this morning.

"You're looking snazzy, Mr. Greggs," I complimented him as I leaned against the doorframe. "Though a little tardy."

"I got held up by Ms. Smith at the lobby complaining about the lack of security at the front. Who in their right mind wants to break into this shit building? I told her that at least she could get the physical description of any intruder who tries because she spends so much time at the front. She didn't take it well."

I laughed, "You two drive each other crazy." I had never seen two such similar people dislike each other so much.

"She drives me crazy," he clarified. "You're off to work?" He inquired nodding at my clothes. I'm sure he was pleased to see me dressed before nine in the morning.

"I was waiting for you," I grinned at him.

He guffawed as he walked slowly up the stairs with his tired limbs, "Always the smooth talker."

"Someone's gotta keep you on your toes!" I chuckled, shutting the door to my apartment.

I dumped my cup of coffee in the sink and skipped down the steps towards the lobby, pulling out my phone as I caught a glimpse of Ms. Smith in order to pretend to be texting someone.

"Good morning, Emily," Ms. Smith's rigid voice filled the empty space loudly.

"Oh, Ms. Smith, I didn't see you there," I replied pushing the door open and holding it with one arm to indicate I had somewhere to be. The cold air bit at my cheeks. It was freezing outside.

"I saw a car drop you off a few days ago," she stated.

"A car?" I shrugged my shoulders feigning ignorance.

"I think it was an Audi? I caught a glimpse of the license plate actually. S3-"

"-You did not memorize the license plate," I looked at her incredulously.

"It stuck out," she said defensively.

Sure. "Well, this has been fun, but I really should head out."

"Where are you off to?" She inquired nosily. This woman had no sense of decency. She was relentless, I'd give her that. She literally did not care what I thought about her. And I had thoughts alright.

"Work," I gave her a tight lipped smile.

"Oh what must that be like?" She threw her head back and cackled. This woman was insane. I was sure of it.

"On that note," I nodded at her before exiting the apartment building. If I missed my bus, I was dropping off sleeping pills at Ms. Smith's door. Was there such a thing as sleeping brownies? Edibles' cousins if you will. That's what I needed. I should double check about the felony charges involved in giving people sleeping pills. I pulled out my phone.

Emily: Is it a felony to leave sleeping pills in someone's food?

Dad: Are you involved in date rape?

Emily: Never mind. This thought has spiralled into a criminal offence very quickly.

Dad: Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Dad: Pay the fine if you don't want to do the time (only applicable in minor charges)

Emily:...thanks, dad

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