Chapter 9

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The unlikely trio was coated in sweat as they trudged through the dense forest when they heard the rumbling of an engine.

Anya then ran for the source, Owen and Claire hot on her heels as she stopped at the sight of a garage on her right.

A garage from the old park. From Jurassic Park.

And a garage that was missing a Jeep.

"This one of theirs?" Owen asked as he picked up a discarded sweater.

"Yeah," Claire panted. "That road goes straight back to the park," Claire said as she looked at the fresh tire tracks that were made barely a minute ago.

"How'd they even get one of these things started?" Anya asked as she tried the ignition on the other ivy-covered Jeep, then heading for a workbench as Owen went to try the key.

Finding jumper cables, Anya went to lift the hood before the ground rumbled and Claire gasped.

Anya pushed Claire into the hallway, out from the garage.

But when she went back for Owen, he only yanked her down next to him, hiding in front of the Jeep, and she heard the familiar thud of the Indominus' footsteps as it bent to stick its snout into the garage, into the empty space where the other Jeep should've been.

Anya gripped her gun tightly, Owen pressing himself as close to her as he could and the Indominus inhaled, sniffing.

Turning their heads away from the dinosaur, they closed their eyes as it shifted the jeep slightly, Owen's hand finding Anya's, the dinosaur too close for her to get a shot off without being seen.

The Jeep jolted once more before the Indominus retracted its head and Owen reached around the car to get his gun that he'd left leaning up against the side.

Once he was sitting back next to Anya again, both of them with their guns, they turned to where Claire stood in the doorway and gave her a small nod, a signal that the dinosaur was gone before its face crashed through the ceiling and Claire let out a scream.

Owen pushed Anya to her feet before they ran out of the room after Claire, him barely dodging the Jeep that was about to crush him against the wall as it was forced forward.

They ran through the original Jurassic park visiting centre that was covered in nature as Anya vaulted over a T-rex skull, and they made for the already open doors.

Owen had stopped on the stairs outside to take Claire's hand and help her down the stairs, seeing as she'd likely be slowed down by the shoes she refused to ditch, but she just ran right past him.

Owen's gaze followed her in confusion before Anya grabbed his hand and pulled him after her, her black braid flying behind her, as more hair slipped out, the Indominus roaring behind them.

Claire was then on the phone as she ran, asking Lowry to get ACU out there with real guns to take the Indominus down when Claire asked a question that made Anya's heart stop dead in her chest.

Because she asked who was flying the helicopter as ACU was airborne.

And there was only one person who could.

Her father.

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