Chapter 33 ~ The Calm Before the Storm

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Deliberately harming the Crown Prince is a crime punishable by death or lifelong imprisonment. Even if it was just a punch, Laikin had committed an act that could potentially ruin his life and his family. Knowing this, Dylan threw herself between them to stop the fight from escalating.

"You're both insane," she said, spreading her arms out. "Seriously, what has gotten into the both of you?"

'I'm too drunk to deal with this.'

"Were you really okay with him just kissing you like that?" Laikin asked, gesturing toward the Crown Prince.

Caspian's face contorted with anger. "You're getting on my fucking nerves, Lord Laikin."

Although Caspian was only sixteen, he was still the Crown Prince and next in line to the throne. The Crown Prince could destroy Laikin and his family if he wanted to. 

"How about we all drop this and walk away?" she said in a stern voice. "It's not worth it. I'm not worth it."

"I'm getting on your nerves?" Laikin echoed with a mocking sneer. "Who's the one who grabbed a drunk girl and kissed her?"

'Did he just ignore me?'

"Last time I checked, you took a minor out drinking."

"I ran into her."

"You expect me to believe that?"

Irritation flashed across Dylan's face. "I'm going back to my room," she said, looking disappointed. "You two can kill each other for all I care, just leave me out of it."

The two fought like cats and dogs, but for what cause? At the end of the day, she couldn't give her heart to either one of them. At the end of the day, they would both fall in love with Grisa and leave her. 

She felt tingling and numbness on her lips from Caspian's kiss. She didn't understand the warmth that enveloped her body. Was it the alcohol? Was it something else? She sighed, trudging her feet along the ground toward her room. This was all far too confusing.


"Earth to Dylan!" said Lucas. "Put the book down and eat something."

Dylan glanced up from the book in her lap. Her mind had been a complete mess since last night's events. She ended up sleeping through her morning classes, but it worked out well for her. Her hangover wasn't as severe because of the extra rest, and she didn't have to face Caspian.

"I'm studying," she said with a sigh, burying her nose into the textbook once more. 

"Studying for what?" asked Grisa, spooning a scoop of mashed potatoes into her mouth. "Even if you fail midterms you won't get condemned. Nobody here studies for those."

It was strange. Even if a student did terribly on tests or exams, they weren't reprimanded by the academy. As long as they attended their classes and did the work, they would graduate with a diploma. 

What was even stranger was—

"Eat this sist—no, Dylan!" Lucas exclaimed, transferring some meat onto Dylan's already full plate. "Lady Grisa told me you take medicine," he said with a frown. "You should take it now."

'Why is this guy here?'

"Go on," scolded Grisa. "You have swordsmanship soon, so eat well!"

Dylan sighed, putting her book down and digging into her food. Why was Lucas suddenly hanging around her?

"Speaking of which," said Grisa, "why did Dyl decide to learn swordsmanship?"

Apart from letters, students were isolated from outside society during the weekdays. As such, they turned to academy gossip for entertainment. The student cafeteria became the main place to exchange and share information. 

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