chapter twenty-eight

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My feverish state had passed in a matter of a day.

Julian had been taking Finley on walks for me and taking care of him. I really appreciated it because up until today, I was like a newborn fawn on my legs and I felt like my head was constantly on a spinning carnival ride. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and studied my own reflection.

I most definitely did look like crap.

After a generous amount of time in the shower, I finally felt like myself and I headed downstairs in my sweatpants and fluffy sweatshirt. It was a bit chilly in the house this morning but I always like a cooler room to sleep in. I had just hit the last step of the staircase when I heard the front door open and looked up.

Finley came running inside, tongue lulling out of the side of his mouth, and Julian came in after him. Finley didn't notice me right away, instead, he planted all four paws on the floor and his ears flattened against his head.

I furrowed my brows and looked over to see Ezra in the kitchen, and apparently, that was where Finley's attention was directed. I watched as Finley growled low in his throat but his tail slowly swung from one side to the other as if in a half-decided greeting. Or maybe it was a playful gesture. I couldn't decide.

"Can't you just like me already?" Ezra grumbled at our dog, "It's been three weeks, that would be enough time to grow used to me." 

"Maybe he'll never like you," Julian snorted, dropping Finley's leash on the counter, "Maybe he can just tell you're a rotten egg from the inside out and is avoiding the mess early." 

"Shut the fuck up." 

"Nah, I don't think I will," Julian smirked at his older brother, "It's just too good to finally see someone not like you."

"Finley is a dog." 

"Okay, and?" Julian rose an eyebrow at Ezra's unamused expression, "He still counts as someone, and he's one of us, so I value his opinion."

Ezra rolled his eyes. 

I stepped off the bottom step and Finley's attention was instantly glued to me. He came bounding over with the biggest dog smile I had ever seen. I barely had time to brace for impact before Finley leaped up and tried to awkwardly hug me, his tongue slobbering my face in his saliva.

"Hey, you look better," Julian's hazel eyes met mine, and he reached over to grab a treat for Finley before tossing it my way. I miraculously caught it and Finley instantly sat down with his tail wagging.

"I feel a lot better," I smiled and allowed Finley to eat the treat out of my hand when he sat nicely for a solid five seconds. One thing I had learned about Finley is that his energy was sometimes bottomless and he was constantly on the move, which is why I was surprised he stayed in bed with me while I was sick.

I eventually joined Julian on a stool at the kitchen counter and I realized that Ezra had been cooking breakfast. I tried not to let my jaw hit the counter because it was very rare for him. I plucked an orange from the fruit basket and began peeling it. "So, where is everyone else?"

Julian shrugged. "My idiot twin left this morning without telling me but he's probably at the store buying the entire section of chocolate and sweets." I figured Mikeal had already gone to work but I was shocked when Julian pointed over his shoulder, into the living room, "Mikeal's in there."

I paused peeling my orange and walked into the living room. Despite all the ruckus this morning, and the sizzling breakfast that Ezra was preparing, I found Mikeal knocked out on the couch. 

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