Chapter 3

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Julia's P.O.V

"I already have a partner." he said. "It's the nerd over here. Right?" he claimed, referring to me.

What the...


"Right?" he asked me again.

"Yeah, sure." I answered, not sure about what to say.

"Cool." he said with a slight grin. "Now, can you ladies please excuse us?" he asked the girls around our table, and they all scattered back to their seats.

"Finally, now I can finish explaining." Mr Maxwell breathed out, referring to the group of girls that surrounded our table a minute ago. "Since you have all paired up, I'll give all pairs a certain piece that they'll have to read and explain it to the class, whilst acting it out. Be creative, please. No props allowed." he said.

"How long must our performance be?" the girl sitting in front asked.

"Just finish the 'scene' that I will give you." he winked. "It won't be long, don't worry. Just make sure that you and your partner participate."

"Okay, thanks Sir." she said, making notes in her notebook.

"When you walk out, just come here by my table and look at the piece that I gave you." he said to us, taking a seat.

"Boring." Aaron uttered.

"What?" I asked him.

"This whole thing is boring, just like my grandmother."

"Then make it fun." I replied, packing my backpack.

"How the hell does one make school fun?" he retorted, standing up from his seat since the bell rang.

"By doing homework, by not skipping class." I said, referring to the way he skips most of his classes. "By listening in class... Easy." I continued.

"You really are a nerd." he said with a smirk placed on his face and I rolled my eyes in response.

He walks off to a group of girls and he starts flirting with them. I walk pass them and turn to Aaron.

"We got the 2nd chapter, and we will be the third group to perform next week." I explained to him, and I can feel the stares of the girls surrounding him. "By the way, you really are a player." I uttered and walked away.


"So, who's that hot, sexy, handsome looking guy over there?" Leah asked me with a smirk placed on her beautiful face, referring to Aaron.

"He's a player." I uttered.

"Really? Did you really have to say that?" she asked me, and the smirk quickly faded away.

"I'm just saying, don't catch feelings." I smiled at her, giving her a pat on the shoulder.

"Who spoke about catching feelings? What's his name? Please tell me, please." she whined.

"Aaron Kavinsky. The basketball player and the 'golden boy' of Wellington High School." I rolled my eyes.

"Golden boy? Meaning?" she asked me, taking a bite from her sandwich.

"He's been called that since freshman year, because he's the 'hottest' player in the school. Every girl is thirsty, and they want Aaron to quench their thirst." I explained, flinching at the last part.

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