Chapter 18

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Tears no longer streamed down my face, so I just sat on the bench and silently watched families walk back to their car's. I was the only one left at this park. It was just me and the darkness surrounding.

I decided I should head back home, but if my mother and Jason was still there, I would probably have to go to Noras house.

I slowly got up, my whole body sore as I trudged my way down the sidewalk. I felt numb and even if I wanted to cry, no tears would come out. I just wanted to sleep so I could forget everything and push this feeling down for a few hours. I picked at my fingernails as I walked in the direction of my house. I never realized how far I actually ran until I was walking back.

I was wiping the sticky, dried up tears from my cheeks when I heard a car slow down behind me. I slowly turned around to see a familiar car I followed home the other day. My eyes squinted as I stared at the cars' bright headlights.

Fuck fuck fuck.

I immediately turned around and picked up my pace, not wanting them to see me like this. I ignored their calls as they got out of the car. I just continued to walk faster, my eyes glued to the ground so I wouldn't trip on anything.

"Dakota!" Braxton yelled, sounding so much closer than I imagined. I didn't realize how close they were until he grabbed my wrist, making me violently flinch as I jerked my hand away from his grip. I turned around, shaking, as I stared at Colton, Braxton, and Karson in front of me.

My tired, puffy eyes looked between each boy. Colton looked at me with a glint of curiosity in his eyes while Braxton stared at me with anger. I looked over to Karson who was already staring at my neck, his jaw clenching as he studied the bruise.

"What the fuck happened to your neck, Dakota?" Braxton roared, taking a step towards me. I subconsciously took a step back, flinching from the tone of his voice. I hated when Braxton got mad, it wasn't like his usual self. I was already on edge and they weren't helping me calm down, in fact, they were making me panic even more.

"Nothing," I mumbled, too ashamed to meet their eyes. I mentally scolded myself, of course I forgot about the bruise on my neck. This will lead to so many unwanted questions, and they will start questioning my home life. Fuck.

"Those are in the shape of someone's fucking hand. Someone tried choking you," Karson stated. I glanced up to see all boys looking extremely pissed, even Karson. I kept my gaze on Karson, pleading with my eyes for him to drop it. He understood the message, but he discreetly shook his head in response.

"Look, I've had a long day and I just want to sleep. I don't want to talk about it so please, stop asking," I pleaded, my voice slightly breaking towards the end.

They looked at each other and finally decided to drop it because it's no use asking. No matter how hard they would try, I wouldn't give in. Although I can tell they are curious, I will never tell them what happened. I don't think I can get the words out even if I wanted to.

"Why are you out here so late?" Colton asked, his eyes studying every inch of my face.

"I just wanted to get some fresh air," I told him, the lie easily slipping out. What else would I say? Oh my mom's fuck buddy sexually assaulted me while I was at home. And did I mention they were both drunk? I don't think that would end too well if I told three, huge guys what actually happened. Jason would get beaten until his olive skin tone was no longer noticeable.

"Bullshit," Karson hissed, his eyes intensely staring into my own.

"It's not bullshit!" I argued.

"Who did that to you?" He growled, stepping one step closer to me, but for some reason I didn't step back.

"I told you to fucking drop it!" I exploded, not really wanting to talk about this right now.

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