2 {Before twilight}

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Standing at the alter Elizabeth turned around to see her beautiful fiance walking towards her a smile across her face. The two were in a forest just outside of Elizabeth's home town in England. Everyone sat down waiting for Eleazar to start the vows.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of family and friends to join together this woman and this woman in Holy matrimony.

May these rings be blessed as a symbol of your union. As often as either of you look upon these rings, may you not only be reminded of this moment but also of the vows you have made and the strength of your commitment to each other.

Now Elizabeth repeat after me. I Elizabeth, promise to love to support you Alice and live each day with kindness,  understanding, truth, humour and passion. With this, I thee wed"

The bronze haired vampire took her soulmate's hand into hers lovingly, looking into her golden eyes and repeats her vows. "I Elizabeth, promise to love to support you Alice and live each day with kindness,  understanding, truth, humour and passion. With this ring I wed thee" She took the ring, Rosalie, with a soft smile on her face, slipping the golden and red ring onto Alice's finger.

"Alice please repeat me...

I Alice, promise to love support you Elizabeth and live each day with kindness,  understanding, truth, humour and passion. With this ring, I wed thee."

Alice took the second ring from Rosalie with a bright smile on her face, "I Alice, promise to love to support you Elizabeth and live each day with kindness,  understanding, truth, humour and passion. With this ring, I wed thee." She put the ring onto her lover's finger and stared into her eyes lovingly.

"Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have, the gifts your lives united. And may your days be forever on this earth together. I now pronounce you wife and wife. you may kiss the brides." Everyone cheered as the two newlyweds shared a passionate kiss, Jasper couldn't help but smile at the emotion that was rolling off both of his best friends, however, Edward grimaced at Elizabeth thoughts of what would be happening later on in the night.

..................... {A/N smut up ahead you can just skip it if you want :)}

After a beautiful party, the two vampires took their honeymoon to Venice, Italy. Alice was stood on the balcony watching the sunset, whilst Elizabeth was admiring the small figure look out onto the boats below. Coming onto the balcony she wrapped her arms around Alice's petite waist kissing her neck, Alice spun around and let out a small chuckle when she saw her wife. Elizabeth let out a slight growl "Let's go inside, hm?" Though it came out as more of a command than a request Alice nodded either way.

Once inside the two females smashed their lips together passionately, Alice was pushed onto the bed by her lover. Elizabeth tugged at her silk pyjama top indicating that she wanted it to be off, which Alice quick complied. This action caused Elizabeth to stare at the wife's body like it was the most perfect thing in the universe and to her it was.

"Darling, have I ever told you how bloody ravishing you are?" Her words sent shivers down Alice's spine and she responded with a short 'mhm'.

Darling (Alice Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now