Chapter 53

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  Amy drove as fast as she could to her mom's house. She was still in tears, both from Bryan's distrust of her feelings and her mom's betrayal. How could her mom do this to her? How could she betray her this way? She made her believe that she wouldn't interfere in her relationship, when in reality she wanted to ruin it. Why can't she just let her be?

After a long drive, Amy arrived at her mom's house. She impatiently got out of her car, not bothering to close the door. She made her way to the door and entered the house without knocking.

"Mom! Mom!" She began to yell, the minute she stepped into the living room.

Paula was in the kitchen making lunch for Carl, who would be back from kindergarten soon, when she heard Amy's voice.

'Why is she here?' she wondered.

From the way her daughter was calling out her name, she didn't sound okay. Paula quickly dropped what she was doing and rushed to the living room to find out what Amy wanted.

"How could you, mom?!" Amy indignantly asked as soon as Paula appeared in the living room.

"What are you talking about, sweetie?"

Paula was confused. She had no idea why her daughter was so mad at her. Amy didn't look so good. Her makeup had smudged, her hair was disheveled. What in the world happened? Paula couldn't help but wonder.

"I'm not here for play pretend, mom. How could you betray me this way? I thought you were my mother?"

"Of course I'm your mother, but I have no idea what you're accusing me of"

Amy screamed in frustration. She hated that her mom was making her look and sound stupid.

"Why the hell did you ask Bryan to break up with me?!"

"Watch your language, young lady. I'm still your mother"

"You should have thought about that before trying to ruin my life" Amy said as fresh tears ran down her cheeks.

"I only did it to help you" Paula told her daughter.

"I don't need your help, mom!" Amy yelled in anger.

"You don't get it, do you? I'm trying to prevent a disaster from happening... Henry isn't going to be happy when he finds out about your relationship with Bryan"

"I don't care what dad has to say, mom"

"Oh yes, you do. He's your father"

"If you care so much about him, why did you leave him, huh?... You don't care about what dad would say. You only care about your reputation"

Amy felt a sharp sting on her left cheek. It took seconds for her to realize that her mom had just slapped her. Tears stung her eyes from the impact of the slap. She covered her cheek with her hand, as she stared at her mom with obvious shock in her eyes.

Paula was shocked as well. This is the first time she has ever raised her hand against her daughter. She didn't mean to do it, but Amy pushed her too hard.

Paula opened her mouth to say something, but no words were coming out. She was too confused to say anything.

Amy swallowed hard, fighting back her tears.

"I don't want you interfering in my life ever again" she said through gritted teeth.

Amy's words brought tears to Paula's eyes. There was venom in her daughter's voice as she said those those words. Paula deeply regretted her action and tried to apologize, but Amy didn't let her mom speak. She cut her off with her hands before Paula even had the chance to utter a word.

"Baby, I'm sorry-" she tried again, reaching out her hand to touch her daughter.

"Stay out of my life!" Amy yelled in return and angrily stomped out of her mom's house. She met Chris, her mom's husband on her way to her car, but she was too upset to say hi. She quickly climbed into her car and drove off.

Some distance away from her mom's place, Amy stopped her car and broke down in tears. She hit her steering wheel continuously as she cried her eyes out.

This day was by far the worst day of her entire life. Bryan was mad at her today, for the very first time. He even attempted to end their relationship. Hell! She doesn't even know if they are still a couple. To top it all, her mom did what Amy never imagined in her entire life, she hit her.

With her shaky hands, Amy reached for her phone. She dialled Bryan's number. Amy was disappointed when her calls kept going to voicemail. Fresh tears welled up her eyes, as she feared that Bryan didn't want to see, or talk to her. She then decided to leave a voice message.

"Bryan, please pick up my call" she began, sniffling back her tears.

"I'm so so sorry. I never meant to cheat on you... Bryan, I love you"

Amy burst into sobs at the last part of her sentence. She didn't want to lose Bryan. Just the thought of not being with him anymore scares the hell out of her.

"Can we talk?... Please?" She mumbled when she regained control of her emotions.

Her phone started to ring after she sent the voice message and she thought it was Bryan. She quickly wiped her teary face, clicking on the answer button. When Amy answered the call, she realized it wasn't Bryan but her mom. Her anger towards her mom surfaced again and she immediately cut the call. She wiped her tear blurred eyes once again before starting the car.

   Bryan was a total wreck. He couldn't get anything done after his argument with Amy. He just remained in his office, confused about what to do next. His phone kept ringing, but he chose to ignore it. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

After spending four whole hours in his office without achieving anything, he decided to go home. He didn't bother tidying his desk. He put on his jacket and grabbed his briefcase and phone before leaving his office. While he was in the elevator, he decided to check his phone. There were several missed calls, all of which were from Amy. He saw a voice message and decided to listen to it.

Bryan's heart sank on hearing Amy's voice. He could hear the raw pain in her voice. This hurt him deeply as he couldn't stop blaming himself for making her this way. He clenched his teeth to control his emotion while listening to her message and heart breaking sobs.

When the voice message ended, he sent a quick text.

'Meet me at home'

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