Chapter 51

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Happy reading beautifuls....

"Zindagi se kya Lena hai,
Shahadat hai tan apna!
Sarhadon py dafan hongey,
Wardi hai kafan apna!"

Author's p.o.v

Whole night passed in blur.

Fajar azan was calling out when all of them were making ablution.

Ali was done before everyone so he started spreading prayer mats for all of them.

"Who will lead the Salah?"
Aafan asked.

"Offcourse major khan! He recites Quran so beautifully."
Ramish said getting mesmerized.

" Is it so? I never had a chance of praying with him."
Aafan said.

" Me too but I heard him reciting some ayahs once. I wish I could also lead Salah like him. You know Aafan! Once I saw him praying at the corner being hidden from everyone's eyes. I was passing by so I hide behind a tree and kept on looking at him. He was so lost in salah that he didn't even notice.
I guess that's what salam demands from us in real, the sincerity!"
Ramish said in trance.

"Everyone on the mats!"
Just then Zain shouted pulling them both back to the real devastated word.

There was a single mat which was spread ahead of all separately for the one who will be the Imaam for Fajar prayer.

Ali called upon him who was lost somewhere.

" Yes major?"
Ramish stood straight quickly.

"Why don't you lead salah today?"
Ali asked putting his cap on his head.

" Me?"

" Yes!"


"Don't you want??"

"No no! I mean Yes! I will!!"

"Go get ready then!"
Ali said and headed towards prayer mats.

Ramish looked upward and smiled at sky that how fast Allah had fulfilled his tiny wish.

" You are great Allah g!"
Ramish said excitedly.

Zain shouted and ramish ran towards them who were ready to pray.

And few moments later sky was witnessing all of them who bowing after their Allah.

No matter who was an ordinary soldier or who was a major or lieutenant or captain among them. All of them were standing in same row showing equality and beauty of Salah.

After salam all of them raised their hands in air to ask their Allah for their small wishes WHO is the  most merciful and the most beneficial.

"O Allah! Make us among the ones who fought till their last breath and last drop of blood in their bodies.
O Allah! Make our hearts among the ones who beat only for You and YOUR Prophet Muhammad (P.B.UH). Let us be the fragnanace which brings life to your people. O Allah! O Allah!!!"
That's when Ali burst into tears.

"O Allah! O Allah! Ya Rahman! Save humanity! Save Muslims! Help us to fight for cause of Muslims bravely! We know that indeed Your help is near."

He held his face in his palms while crying silently.

He was feeling the pain of whole Muslim ummah in his heart. He was feeling as if his heart will burst.

That's when Allah gave the proof that HE says right when HE says, "My Zikar brings peace!" By showering peace on all of them who were distressing over humanity.

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