Chapter Thirty Five

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6 months later...

'This is utterly unbelievable. I can't still get it to through my thick skull that today is my wedding day.' I thought looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I, who loathed Blaise with every fiber in my body. It's been 6 months since he had proposed at the hospital.

If it were up to him, we would have gotten married when I immediately got discharged from the hospital.

We have been busy with the wedding plans and I, with moving my offices to be closer to Blaise.

Funny thing is, Blaise was doing the same thing. It was hilarious when we tried to surprise each other. But we ended up moving to Clarksville since I had too many unwanted memories in my birth town.

I have never been so happy my entire. Blaise can move the world just to make me happy. He loves me so much.

"Talie."Rissa called smacking my exposed shoulders.

" Ouch! What was that for."I asked rubbing my paining shoulder. Looking around to find my makeup artists gone. It was just Rissa and me.

" I have been calling you for the past five minutes.Are you having a cold feet. There is a car outside waiting for us if you change your mind. And the tickets are are already booked, trust me no will find us till you are ready to come back."Rissa said making me gasp.

Is she ready to sacrifice her brother's happiness for mine.

"Really Rissa.Are you crazy, what about Blaise. How do you think he will feel."

"He will bounce back. My brother is strong. Though it will be hard and make him more heartless than he already was. But you have been through a lot, I will stand by you. Whores before bros. Don't feel obliged to do the right thing, just do what makes you happy. " Rissa said with a serious face.

"Rissa calm your horses down. I love Blaise too much to do that to him. I will never leave him, it won't just break his heart, it will destroy me too. Blaise is my world of happiness and I his. How can you even think of that."

"Thank God. I don't know where I would have found the car to take us out of here and the tickets. Besides Blaise would buried me alive."

"What? So there is no car and tickets."I asked perplexed.

" Hey.. I was just trying to play the best friend role. If you were having second thoughts I would have dragged you down the aisle myself anyway. I know how much you guys love each other."

"Only you Rissa. Only you."I said shaking my head laughing.

" Let me put your veil. You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen in entire life."Rissa said with tears in her eyes.

" Oh.. Please.. that's what people say to every bride to make her feel special."I told her as she fixed the veil on my head.

" No I am not bluffing Talie. Look at the mirror."

I did and I couldn't believe what I saw there. I almost believed that I was the most beautiful bride in the world.

'It definitely must be the dress.' I thought.

"No its not the dress. It's you my love. You are beautiful. And ooooh.. you said that aloud."Rissa said.

I felt tears in my eyes and I tried to blow them off with my my hands. I thank God for bringing Rissa into my life every day, cause trust me this girl knows how to make me feel special. Though she will never exceed Blaise.

" Where are the others."I asked her and as if on cue everyone piled in.

Nonna Noelle, Nana Marissa, Hailey, Avyanna,Clara and my Lazse.

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