Chapter 17- Nerf Guns & Night Time

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"Look what I got!" Adam exclaimed as we gathered around his trunk

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"Look what I got!" Adam exclaimed as we gathered around his trunk.

He lifted the door up to reveal an entire set of nerf guns.

It was nighttime now and the school had been emptied for hours. There wasn't a single car in sight, apart from our own, so that meant the janitors weren't here anymore either.

"What do we need nerf guns for?" Natalie asked timidly.

"To shoot each other of course," Adam replied enthusiastically.

I smiled at the idea. "That actually sounds really fun."

"Ooh, I call this one," Cyrus said, scooching me aside to reach for the biggest gun in the pile.

"Hey that one's mine," Adam whined and tried to reach for the gun from Cyrus's hands.

"There is no way I'm giving this up now, back off," He replied to Adam, shoving his hands away.

Cyrus reached into the trunk and pulled out the next gun he could get his hands on. "Here you can take this one." He threw the plastic toy to Adam and it bounced off his chest before he caught it.

"This is the smallest one you asshole, now you're just being mean."

They went off into a fit of bickering while I silently searched for a nerf gun of my own. I held one up for Natalie who scrunched her nose and shook her head. I thought it was because she didn't want to participate, but then she grabbed a gun of her own choice and that made me smile a little.

Declan reached over my shoulder to pick one that he liked, and his movement surprised me. I hadn't known he was so close so I watched him as he appeared at my side.

And in that very small moment of choosing a gun for himself, in that very small moment we held eye contact, I caught an even smaller moment of his gaze flickering towards my lips.

It lasted just a second, but I know I didn't imagine it. I know it because I saw his smirk as he looked away.

"Alright ladies, ladies," Declan spoke up, momentarily silencing Cyrus and Adam's arguing. "Listen, Adam, they're your guns you usually call first dibs." Before Adam could celebrate his validation, Declan continued, "However, this is Cyrus's first play date. So how about you be a good boy and give Cyrus a turn with the big gun, yeah?"

He sounded like a father right about now, compromising between his two children, and every second of it was entertaining as Natalie and I watched from the side.

"Man, don't talk to me like I'm five," Adam grumbled, swinging his hand in the air as if waving off Declan's words.

"Then stop acting like you're five," Cyrus said. Adam's response was to whack him in the shoulder, yet he stopped reaching for the gun that Cyrus had.

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