6 | Damon

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- 4:18 pm -

"Boss?" Dom says walking into the shop.

"Yea?" I say as I change this car's oil canister.

"Someone stopped by earlier, asking for Josh." He says.

I turn to look at him, pausing my work. "Who?"

"She said, 'some random person.' Anything?" He says.

Jane Doe.

"Yea, what did you tell her?" I ask him.

"To come back later. And that was a couple hours ago." He states.

"Okay. Did she say what she needed?" I ask. What would give her a reason to come back? Not complaining, just curious.

"She didn't say." Dom says.

"Okay." I say and get back to work.

The thought that I might see her soon makes me all giddy. She is just some random person that can ride a bike better than my brother, and has beautiful hair for days. Just some other girl that makes me weak in the knees when she sasses back.

I told Patch, our tech guy, to look at cameras for face recognition, but nothing came up. He tried to track her phone, but it was protected, very tightly. She is like a ghost. And Patch is really good at what he does. She is so intriguing.

I continue working on the car trying to get her out of my mind enough to get my work done. But it doesn't work. I can't seem to get her out of my head. If she were to come back, what would I say? What would she say? Thoughts fill my mind, and her look, and her smile clouds everything that was funchinal in my brain. But something pulls me from my thoughts.

"Boss?" Someone says. I almost get angry that he does.

"What?" I snap.

"Someone is here." Vill says.

"I'll be out in a second." I say and he goes down the door to the basement.

After he is gone, I stand up straight, fix my hair, and stand with my ear to the door into the lobby. I don't hear anything yet, but when I do, she doesn't sound happy. "Why is there a front desk if no one is going to sit there?!" She complains. "HelloOooOo?"

I count to three then walk out of the shop into the lobby and wipe my hands with a towel before I sling it over my shoulder. "You again. Can I help you?"

"Where is Josh? And don't tell me he isn't here." And rolls her eyes.

"Oh he's here." I say. "What do you need with him?" I ask her.

"None of your business." She schoffs.

"Actually." I pause. "It is." I state.

"Oh- my god! Just tell me where the hell he is!" She almost yells.

"Damon?" I hear Josh say walking over.

"Finally!" Jane Doe says.

"Y-yes?" Josh says with a shaky voice.

"Did you wax my car?" She asks him with an edge to her voice.

"I look over to Josh and all the color drains from his face. "Y-yea." He manages to say.

"You look like you're about to cry." She chuckles.

"Sorry. I just felt so bad! So thought I'd just add a quick wax. And-" The words come out rushed.

Jane Doe puts her hand up to silence him. She takes cash out of her poce and shoves it into his hands. "You said you'd just fix the dent you put in it. Not give me a new coat. So here is the pay for it." She states.

"Bu-but it's a hundred and eighty dollars!" Josh exclaims.

"Not enough? Jeez, ya try to be nice." She rambles pulling her wallet back out.

"No! Too much!" He says handing out the money to her.

"Listen kid, if you don't want money, what will you take?" She asks, annoyance clear in her voice.

"Why must I take anything?-"

"Your name." I smirk.

Ignoring my demand, "Because, you said you'd only fix the dent!" She repeats.

She is cute when she is bossy.

"But I don't see what the big deal is-"

"I will punch you out again if you don't take the damn money!" She says ignoring my presents.

Josh looks up to me. I nod. "Okay.." He says putting the money into his pocket.

"Perfect." She says with a small smile?

"Did you just, smile?" I tease.

She rolls her eyes and smiles again sarcastically. "Bye." she says, turning on her heel and walks out of the building. A large part of me wishes she could just stay here, with me. But I just watch her disappear and I'm left hopeng we will meet again. 

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