12. Get out! (Sam)

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   I wake up with the amazing feeling that life is wonderful and I am the king of the world. My smile is so big that my jaws ache. I stretch out and peek at the clock. There is plenty of time before work. I am going to use every second to come up with the most incredible date. It will be funny, fantastic and unforgettable. I must make him want more, think of me day and night, and crave to see me again. I feel so alive. A shy, innocent boy made a new person out of me in only forty-eight hours.

   I grab my phone, contemplating whether to call Alec or send a message. It is still nine. He may be sleeping. We watched a movie till midnight, and he nearly dozed off close to the end. Texting is better.

   Me: Hey Peppercorn! Are you up?

   My spicy angel: Hey! Good morning! I'm actually jogging.

   Me: Really? Good for you.

   My spicy angel: Well, I'm only pretending while Daniel is barely catching his breath. I'm buying coffee and donuts right now.

   Daniel? I frown. Didn't this dick have a wife? What is he doing with my Peppercorn so early in the morning instead of cuddling with her? I snort in irritation. Ok, calm down! They are friends. You can not be jealous of his friends. The date. I need to plan the perfect date. Focus!

   Me: Are you afraid of heights?

   My spicy angel: What? Why?

   Me: Just asking. I want to learn more about you.

   Shit! That was stupid. He is not going to buy it. 

  My spicy angel: I don't believe you.    

   Touché! How do you answer that? Think! My brain obviously accepts this order in the opposite way and responds with a blank, white space. The pause is getting awkward, so I write the first thing that comes to my mind.

   Me: Which is your favorite food?

   My spicy angel: So, we'll pretend that you didn't ask me about the heights? 🙄

   Is that a 'rolling eyes' emoji? This angel is quite spicy. 

   Me: Ok, I need this information because I want to surprise you and don't want the surprise to be unpleasant. And don't roll your eyes cause I'll see you in five hours at work and won't forget it.

   My spicy angel: I'm not afraid of you 🙄

   Oh, my God! I am going to spank him, and he is going to like it. I chuckle. Even his messages are cute.

   Me: So?

   The silence that follows is quite long, as if he is not sure what to write back. The phone finally dings.

   My spicy angel: The answer is no. I don't really know about the food. Any kind of pasta is great.

   Me: Nice. See you at work, Peppercorn.

   My spicy angel: 💗

   The shameful squeal that I produce, seeing the small heart, makes me palm my face. I am pathetic! The boy already has me wrapped around his little finger. I head to the bathroom, shaking my head in disbelief. The good thing is that I happen to have a plan, and it is going to be a major league. I just need to make a few phone calls, and it will be all set.

   I show up at work an hour earlier. It is Saturday. The bar will be packed. I need to prepare some of the ingredients in advance, or otherwise, it might get quite hectic. Who am I fooling? I have never done it before. No one else does it. The only reason to be here well before the opening time is that I am too eager to see a certain blond, cute boy, although I doubt he has already arrived. Since no one is likely to be in the changing room, I slam the door open and enter without bothering to knock, just to be met by a piercing scream. Alec almost throws himself into a nearby locker, using the door as a shield. 

   "Didn't anyone tell you to knock before storming into a room?" he yells, leaving me startled and numb. I have never heard him raise his voice. His face is beat red. His hands are shaking. Those are the only visible parts from behind the metal door if we do not count a bare shoulder. What the hell is happening? It must be the surprise. He simply did not expect anyone to appear so early.

   "Alec, I am so sorry! I thought I was the only one here," I stutter. 

   "Get out!" he groans. 

   I am totally taken aback. He looks shaken. Why is he making such a big deal of being seen shirtless? Not that I saw anything, really. There was no time to even comprehend the situation. 

   I try to make a joke out of it and ease the tension. "Hey, you saw me almost naked twice. You will always have the head start."

   "Get out!" Alec sternly repeats. I am too puzzled to move and keep standing, frozen in the door frame. He looks at me insistently and whispers, "Please!"

   I turn around and leave, closing the door behind me. What is wrong? He is shy. I understand. But his reaction was too much. He was terrified. Am I so scary? He said he was not afraid of me.  My heart shrinks. I do not like this.

   I want to talk to him and clarify everything, but he does not come out of the kitchen the entire evening. The crowd is thick. It is impossible to leave the bar, not even for five minutes. I manage, nevertheless, to take a few short breaks. Alec seems to avoid me. Every time I go looking for him, he is nowhere to be found. When it is finally time to go home, Daniel informs me that Alec has left an hour earlier. 

  I return home and heavily sit on the sofa, tired, discouraged and miserable, with no explanation about what happened. It is nearly four in the morning, not the right time to call him. I will do it first thing when I wake up. With this thought, I drag my feet to the bedroom.


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels


Hello, at the end of chapter 12!

Thank you so much for reading and supporting! ❤❤❤

I know you didn't expect this sudden turn of events. 

But things were going too smoothly, didn't they?

Any theories about what might be the reason for Alec's reaction?

Share your thoughts, ask questions,  and criticize if you think it's necessary.

And don't forget to vote if you liked the story.

Love: Anny  

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