Chapter Thirty-Six | Theatre

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VIVIENNE WALKED TOWARDS the library hallway before stopping a few steps away. Her feet turned around, but she forced herself to spin once again and continue. She was not going to avoid that library just because a possibility of running into James existed. Vivienne would make use of the library if she wished, and whatever limbo existed between James and her was not going to stop her. With determination flowing through her blood, she took the remaining steps, standing in the doorway of the library.

The exact place where everything had gone down.

Holding in a deep breath, she pushed open the doors. Light filtered in through the massive windows, as she quietly made her way to the back where some of her favourite novels were stacked. She sighed in relief at the empty sounds.

It did not seem as though the duke was occupying the study adjoined with the library. Although the door was left uncharacteristically open, something she had not experience before. She was about to move past it when the chessboard caught her eye. It seemed that James had moved it back into his study. 

The chess pieces lay organized and ready for a game. She hesitated, lingering in the space between both rooms, before stepping into his study to observe the board. Looking at it reminded her of that night, but she brushed the thoughts away quickly. Before she knew what she was doing, her fingers glazed across the chessboard and she moved the white piece.

"My lady."

Vivienne swirled so fast that her dress brushed against the chessboard. She clasped her chest, grateful that none of the chess pieces had fallen.

"Preston," she said looking at the butler stiffly.

His gaze did not judge her as he bowed. "There is a caller for you, my lady."

Vivienne brightened. It had been a while since she had visited Fiona and vice versa. Her friend was busy and well in the midst of planning her impending wedding to Viscount Berkeley. They had not been able to see each other as often as Vivienne would have like. "Lead them into the parlour and send up a tray of biscuits and tea please," she commanded.

He bowed once more, leaving her alone in the duke's office. Vivienne slowly closed the door behind her and walked up to the parlour. When she opened it, she was surprised to see that it was not Fiona, but a gentleman.

"Captain Gronow," she said pleasantly confused at his presence. "What a surprise."

He grinned, his moustache standing up at the gesture. "Lady Torrington here was telling me you don't receive many gentlemen. I told her that it is just not possible with such a lovely face."

Vivienne gave him a small smile even as heat rose within her cheeks at the compliment. Her gaze swivelled to see Lady Torrington knitting in the corner. "Perhaps they become terrified once they learn the address," she admitted.

He gave her an inquisitive smile, "Yes, that perked my curiosity as well. Are you and Lennox particularly close?"

It was Lady Torrington who cut in. "I asked James to allow us into his Mayfair home for the London season," the dowager explained. "I don't have a permanent London residence and he was gracious enough to host us both."

The door swung open as a maid brought in tea and biscuits. Vivienne settled down and took a cup, savouring the sweetness of the drink. "So, Captain, what brings you here?"

"Well, Lady Vivienne," the captain said rather nervously. "I was hoping that you would accompany me for an outing?"

Vivienne's hand stilled midway to her face and the cup of tea hovered in the air. The Captain had become increasingly affectionate towards her in the last couple of weeks. She had shared a dance with him at every ball they attended and had gone on a few more carriage rides in Hyde Park.

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