Chapter 7

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"Do I tell her or not?" I sigh. "Just try. Don't be pushy about it and don't go into too much detail." Caitlyn says.

"I guess you're right." I agree. "I'll just say the least amount I can. Wait- do I have to tell Ethan I'm telling her?"

"What? No. Let him fend for himself. You don't have to worry about him, Ads." Caitlyn reasons. "Good point." I respond into the phone.

"Ok, I'm going to go tell her." I say taking a deep breath. "Good. Let me know how it goes." Caitlyn says.

"I will. Thanks, Caitlyn." I say. "Of course, bye!" Caitlyn says before hanging up.

I put my phone on my bed and open my closet. I take out a light pink pair of pjs. A silk tank top and shorts. I take off my hoodie, jeans and bra. I slip into the pjs, then into my slippers.

Walking over to my bathroom, I grab a scrunchie and tie my hair in a messy bun.

"I can do this." I say looking at myself in the mirror.

Taking a deep breath I walk out of my room.

"Izzy?" I call.

"Couch!" Izzy replies.

I walk over to the living room. Isabelle is laying down wrapped in a blanket.

"What are you watching?" I ask sitting on the end of the couch.

I begin to get really nervous. How will she take it?

"Gossip Girl, obviously." Isabelle chuckles.

"Right." I nod looking over at the tv. Blair and Serena fighting about god knows what.

"Addy? Is everything ok?" Isabelle asks pausing the tv. She sits up.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just wanted to talk to you about something." I say turning to her.

Isabelle nods. "Sure. You know you can tell me anything." She smiles supportively.

"Well, it's about Ethan." I say.

"Oh?" She frowns.

"It's nothing bad." I reassure her.

Isabelle nods and chuckles slightly. "I think I know, actually."

"I don't think you do." I mutter.

"You two slept together in high school, didn't you?" Isabelle sighs.

"What- Uh-"

"It's ok. I noticed the tension between you. Let me guess, you two slept together and he never called you back?" Isabelle chuckles slightly.

"Um. That's not exactly-"

"It's fine, Addy. He's different now. As long as it's not a big deal between you two, I don't really care." Isabelle shrugs.

"Yeah, you're right. That's exactly what happened." I breathe out. "Don't worry, it's no big deal." I lie.

Isabelle nods. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I'm your best friend, Addy. You can trust me. It was three years ago, in the past. Who cares." She chuckles.

I fake laugh slightly. "Yeah, exactly."

"I'd only be worried if it was more than sex." She laughs. "Obviously it wasn't, or I would have known about it."

"No, it wasn't." I try to laugh. "Just one night."

Two knocks at the door break the awkwardness.

"Oh, pizza." Isabelle cheers getting off the couch.

I stare ahead at the ground.

The click of the door shutting finds my attention. "Ethan, pizzas here." Isabelle calls putting the pizza on the table.

"Ethan's here?" I question.

Isabelle nods. "Yeah, I snapchatted you to tell you." She frowns.

"I didn't see it." I say.

Ethan walks around the corner. A towel wrapped around his waist and his hair wet.

I look away and down to my hands.

"Ethan, Addy was just telling me about your one night stand in high school." Isabelle chuckles slightly.

I turn back to look at him.

"I heard." He breathes out. "I better go get dressed." Ethan says before disappearing back towards Izzy's room.

My heart stings slightly.

"Pizza?" Isabelle asks getting my attention.

"I already had dinner." I say. "I have to study, so I'll see you in the morning."

Isabelle nods. "Ok. Want to ride together?"

"I can't, I have to go early and sign some forms." I lie. "Ok. I'll see you there anyway." Isabelle says. I nod. I stand up off the couch and walk towards my room.

I quickly shut the door. I take a deep breath and quickly call Caitlyn.


Choosing to rewatch 'Ginny and Georgia' on Netflix, I press play. I sit at my desk and open one of my notebooks.

"Nevermind." I mutter before closing it.

I stand up from my chair and dive onto my bed. I sit up and watch my tv. Suddenly my door opens causing me to flinch.

I groan. "Get out!" I whisper yell as he shuts the door.

"Isabelle's in the shower." Ethan says.

I raise an eyebrow. "I don't care, get out of my room." I say.

Ethan opens his mouth to speak but stops- he looks me up and down. I throw a pillow at him.

"Watch it."

"Nice pjs." He smirks.

I look down and suddenly remember. I roll my eyes and grab the blanket from the end of my bed. I cover myself. "What do you want, dick?"

"Why'd you tell Isabelle it was one night?" Ethan asks seriously.

I shake my head. "I had to tell her something, she- she just got half the story. Plus she's right, it was in the past."

"Right." Ethan says. "The past." He mutters.

"Can we not do this? I can't take the little comments you make, it drives me crazy. We just have to move on, ok?" I sigh.

"I'm in a relationship. I've moved on." Ethan mutters.

"Fine then stop with all this- bursting into my room and being secretive. We can't be alone together- it's weird." I shutter.

Ethan nods. "Ok." He says before leaving my room as quickly as he entered.

I hold my pillow over my face and quickly scream into it.

I hate my life.

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