chapter 11

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Severus wallked into his quarters and placed a still sleeping  Harry in his new bed. He unshrunk all the bags and left Harry's things in  the corner of his room to be organised later, and after putting his new clothes away went into the sitting room and sat in his black armchair, picked one of his potions journals off the mahogany coffee table and began  reading.
A few hours passed when severus heard sobs travelling down the hall. Quickly setting his book down and walking towards Harry's door he could hear the sobs getting louder, he opend Harry's door and saw Harry sat in the corner of his room his clothing scattered over the floor scratching at his arms. Severus slowly wallked towards the distressed boy, as he neared him he could feel Harry's magic encasing the room, there was no doubt about it Harry was powerful. Crouching infront of him severus began talking to him softly.
"Harry, can you hear me. Come on, look up a bit for me." When harry didn't respond severus became worried, the longer Harry stayed in his distressed state the worse he got, Harry began to pull at his hair and punch the top of his head in repetitive motions, legs kicking out, severus realised if he didn't stop this meltdown harry was going to inflict serious harm on himself. With a sigh severus slowly slid down the wall next to harry and sat on the floor, reaching out he grabbed both the boys arms and slid him onto his lap, he pinned Harry's arms by his sides and traped each leg under one of his all the while speaking reassurances.
"Thats it, good boy, I got you, I got you." They sat like that for a while before Harry finally calmed down and stopped strugglingin his arms. Turning harry around in his lap so harry was straddling his legs Severus gently inquired what had the boy upset.
"Harry, can you tell me why you were so upset?" The only response he got from the boy was a shake of his head and a low moan.
"Okay then, can you tell me why you took all your clothes off?"
"Scratchy, feel like spiders, lotsa spiders, no like so take off." Harry replied as if it was the most normal thing in the world. With a sigh Severus hugged Harry close to his chest and the little boy tucked his head into the crook of the potion masters neck.
"I sleepy, can I sleep now?" Harry asked his big doe eyes looking up at Severus.
"Yes, you may sleep now, but only for half an hour then we must eat dinner and get you ready for bed i want you to sleep through the night." Once Severus was sure the boy was asleep he stood up and gently placed Harry in his bed and walked over to all the bags left in the corner of the room.
"Tibby" and within seconds of the potion masters call the house elf stood a few feet infront of him.
"What can tibby be doing for Master Potions Master sir" the elf asked enthusiastically
"Tibby could you add a wallk in wardrobe to Harry's room. Make sure all the shelving and clothes rails are short enough that he can reach them himself but make the room spacious and don't add any locks, I don't want him to feel like I will lock him in there."
"Tibby will be doing that right away Master Potions Master sir." The elf replied somehow with more enthusiasm than she had before. The elf added the wallk in wardrobe and left with a soft pop.
Severus used this time to unpack Harry's new stuff and think about the recent events that have  transpired and changed his life for the better.
Severus packed all of Harry's clothes into the new space then moved onto the toys, he placed all the toys he got from the Entertainer and the Disney store in the toy box that was enchanted with an expansion charm and then placed all of the stuffies, bar one, in a toy basket that sat next to the toy box. He picked up the whinnie the pooh plush and tucked it under the boys arm, Harry instinctively pulled the plush close to his chest and hugged it tight. Severus smiled at the scene and left the room leaving the door open.
15 minutes later found Severus trying to wake Harry for dinner.
"Harry, Harry, Harry come on, its dinner time, up you get." Harry's green eyes flickered open  and harry groggily wiped his eyes.
"Hello sleepy head, I'm going to get you dressed then we can have dinner and after that it's time for bed, okay?"
"Ye'sir" was the timid reply from Harry.
Dinner was a quick affair and before they knew it Harry was sat in bed once again. Before Harry went to sleep severus decided to describe what he wanted to get done the next day in order to prepare Harry as much as possible, he knew how scary the goblins seemed when, from when he was young. 
" okay, all tucked in, there we go. Tomorrow we need to go to gringots. The bank with all the goblins. And I'm going to adopt you so that nobody can ever take you away from me."
"No more Dursleys"
"Thats right no more dursleys."
Severus ruffled Harry's hair and stood up. Before he closed the door he said a quick goodnight.
"Goodnight Harry."
"Ni'ni 'addy" Severus froze in the doorway when he heard what the half asleep little boy called him, then smiled to himself and headed to the little kitchenette to make some tea.
Word count~954

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