Chapter 8

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So sorry for the wait on this, there is really no excuse. I was finishing my final year of university and just didn't have the time to write. But university is done now and I want to continue with this story and I thank anyone who takes the time to read this :)

Please vote and comment xx

Bertie only got worse as the days passed, before the days turned into a week. The cough only grew louder and angrier, his breathing became shallower. His little face was scarlet and stained with tears. Beneath his pale skin his heart beat rapidly, working away in vain to try and rid itself of this infection. No one knew what to do or how to help him, Dean suspected pneumonia based off of his symptoms but that came as no good news to anyone. His parents gave him plenty of fluids and tried to make him rest, but his sobs could be heard almost every hour. No one wanted to say it, but without proper treatment it was unclear whether Bertie would recover.

Emery and Ash were sat on the floor in Matt, Joanna and Bertie's room in an attempt to provide some comfort to the family. Bertie was laid in his crib wailing loudly, the distress he was in was evident. His parents looked besides themselves as Dean checked his temperature again. By the look on Dean's face it was clear it wasn't good.

"It's clear the antibiotics we gave him haven't worked so far." He sighed. Joanna whimpered as Matt tightened his grip around her shoulder.

"Then what next?" She asked. Dean exhaled and thought for a long while. He reached down and stroked at Bertie's hair before finally speaking.

"If it is pneumonia, he may need stronger antibiotics."

"Right well then try them then." Matt responded.

Dean shook his head and sighed once again. "We don't have those type of antibiotics down here."

Emery and Ash looked at one another, they knew what this meant; for Bertie to get the treatment he needs someone would have to leave the bunker to get it.

"Well go and get them. We need to save our boy." Matt growled.

"I need to think about the whole group Matt surely you understand that, going outside right now could risk the whole-"

"So what are you saying, you are just going to let my little boy die?!" Matt shouted, whilst Joanna collapsed onto a chair behind her, matching the sobs of her son. Matt looked ready to kill.

"I am not saying that at all, I just need to do some thinking. We cannot just send people out unprepared, it's too risky. I need to evaluate the whole situation and make a decision that is best for everyone." Dean said softly.

At that point Matt lunged at Dean, with Ash rushing to stop him. Ash just managed to grab a hold of Matt's swinging fist and pinned it down to his side with great effort. Emery had ran to sit with Joanna, who remained sobbing in her chair, wrapping an arm around her shaking body. Ash had both hands on Matt who was writhing around in an attempt to get to Dean.

"So you're telling me if it was Ash in this situation you wouldn't do everything you could to save him? That you wouldn't put him before the group huh? Fucking tell me!" Matt fumed, spitting in his face. Dean faltered at his words, his eyes casting to his son who was holding Matt back from hurting him. Dean choked on his words, unable to speak for a moment. Then finally he gathered himself, telling Ash to release Matt. Matt was breathing heavily, waiting for Dean's response, the tension in the air palpable.

"You're right, if I were in this situation there is nothing I wouldn't do to save my son. I give you my word, I will find a way to get Bertie the antibiotics he needs, I will work as fast as possible I promise you. I know the group will support this." Dean said with finality.

Emery and Ash shared another look with one another before making their way back to each other. His hand slipped in hers, his vice-like grip crushing her petite hand. But she didn't care, it reminded her that he was still with her, safe and sound; something she wasn't so sure they could guarantee for much longer. Because it seemed that someone was going to be tasked with venturing to the outside on a quest to get the treatment Bertie needs, a task of the highest risk. This could risk their entire group being discovered, being removed from the sanctity of the bunker and plunged into a world of pain and punishment. Yet as they watched over little Bertie crying in his crib, they knew this was the right decision. They were a family after all. No one gets left behind.


I am so happy to have gotten this written, and I am going to write another chapter in the next few days- it's going to get interesting!

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