Chapter 43

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Marvolo got the news first, as he was doing paperwork in his office. A barn owl had flown through the window to land on his desk with a letter in it's beak.

After opening and reading it, he had immediately apparated to the gates of Hogwarts and stormed in, a dark aura surrounding him like a cloak.

The doors of the main hall burst open as he neared them, and all of the students of the school who had been eating dinner fell silent upon seeing him.

They immediately knew who he was due to his uncanny resemblance to his son, but what was more noticeable was the hard and angry glint in his red eyes.

He stalked up to Dumbledore with graceful wrath before coming to a stop right at the edge of the table.

"Where is my son." Marvolo demanded quietly, letting only the old man hear him.

"Hello Tom, it is such a pleasure to see you again. Would you like to sit and eat?" Dumbledore replied pleasantly.

A loud thud sounded as Marvolo's fist hit the table, quieting the whole room yet again.

"I will only ask once more. Where. Is. My son." Marvolo snapped.

Dumbledore sighed, taking his spectacles off.

"I do believe we should take this to the infirmary."


There wasn't much he could do except watch. Of course, he was able to entertain himself in his mind palace.

Though, it wasn't as much a palace as it was a library. Large, redwood double doors made way to a circular room with a large book in the center, which was filled with memories.

More bookcases were on the walls, with each book representing one memory. The one in the center was the index.

Hadrian let out a sigh, a faint smile on his lips. He walked up the spiral staircase and entered the first door, which was a bedroom.

Floral smells hit him, and like a drug, dragged him deeper into his mind.

A large bed in the center of the room was surrounded by flowers of all kinds, and birds of every part of the globe flew near the high ceiling. Serpents from garden snakes to basilisks dwelled on the ground, and the sun seeped in through large glass windows, lighting up the room and heating the rocks for the snakes. It was paradise.

However much Hadrian liked this room, though, the one next door was better. Leaving the bright room, he went up the staircase farther and entered the next room.

This one was the opposite of the sun room. There were still flowers, and birds, and snakes to dwell on the ground, but they were no longer bright.

Black and blue roses were a common theme in the room, and crows and ravens took the place of the tropical birds in the other room.

This was where Hadrian felt at home. In the center of his mind and core was the darkness that gave him comfort in the day.

Walking to the windows, he basked in the moonlight that illuminated the bed, appreciating this wonderful part of himself.

He then lied down on the bed, deciding to take a nap. It's not like it would hurt to get more rest.


"He will not be staying here." Marvolo stated with finality.

"I am afraid I cannot allow you to take him." Dumbledore replied bluntly.

Slowly turning, Marvolo cast his unnerving gaze upon the old man in anger and frustration.

"You have no power that allows you to keep me from giving my son proper treatment." He snapped. Madame Pomfrey, who was standing near them, approached the men quickly.

"Young Hadrian may go wherever his father decides. I am sorry Albus, but Lord Riddle is correct. You have no right to keep him from proper treatment." She said.

"Now dear, young Hadrian is only asleep. There is no need for him to go to St. Mungos."

"Only asleep! My son is in a magical coma and you have the audacity to say he is only asleep!" He then stalked briskly towards the old man, coming face to face with him. "I know this is your doing Dumbledore, and I will not allow you to get away with this. Hadrian has allies that you haven't even heard of, and they will be out for your head after tonight." He snapped quietly.

Marvolo then picked Hadrian up from the bed and apparated them to Riddle Manor, a glare set on his face as he saw Dumbledore smirking.


"What of the boy?"

"He will be dead by the end of the month."

"And the tournament?"

"If he somehow does manage to survive, it will be waiting for him. This is, after all, the month the champions have to prepare."

"Albus, Tom will not take this lightly."

"All the better Minerva. If Tom is angry, he will not make as good of choices as he might with a clear head."

"I hope, for your sake and ours, that you are right."


"Sir, there is a message for you."


"It is from one Tom Marvolo Riddle of Earth."

"What does that stupid immortal idiot want?!"

"It is about a Hadrian Salazar Riddle."

"What does it say? Summarize."

"Apparently the boy is dying by the hands of one Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."

"Great timing. Just great. The one time that I can't go to Earth is when that kid gets injured."


"The young one loses his will."

"I have seen it as well."

"Will we fight?"

"Not yet. The time is not right."


"The hatchling may die."

"All hatchlings die."

"But this one is special."

"Yes, he is. His Deathly Hallows won't save him now though, for this death is of his own doing."

"Shall we do anything?"

"Let Death decide the hatchling's fate."


Alright! Marvolo has one month to save Hadrian or he dies! What are these allies that Marvolo speaks of, and how will Dumbledore react to a knock on his door? Hope you enjoyed it!

Amber Silverwood

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