Chapter 14 - Beginnings

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🎶 Nazdeekiyaan  (play after asterisk)

Published on 21.04.2021

● A U T H O R ●

As the sun rose the next morning, it indicated the start of a new phase of their life where they aren't anymore single. Aarohi woke up around seven being pretty impressed by herself that she woke on her own without the help of alarm which she had set for seven thirty am. She stretched her arms and smiled lazily. She felt content that she had a good night sleep. The bed was indeed very comfortable even though the whole environment was new for her.

She glanced around to find Vihaan still sleeping. The pillows that were lined in between them earlier when Vihaan had made it, now had got shifted more towards his side. Ofcouse it was done by her! She can't be stable in one position while she's sleeping, constantly shifting and turning around is her habit. On the other hand, there was Vihaan who still laid in the very same position when he got to bed last night. Lying on his back, one leg over the other, one arm over his forehead and the other arm lying on its side. She looked disturbed by the sight and wondered how could he be comfortable in such a position. But then, since he was sleeping she thought to admire his beautiful face for a few seconds. He was good looking and she didn't deny it to herself. But she did envy the fact that he didn't need to put any effort to look this perfect. He could have a straight poker face and still be as attractive as ever. Shaking her head for losing herself in idiotic thoughts she got up to get ready.

When she came back, she found Vihaan still sleeping but this time he had turned around and was lying on his stomach. She hesitated at first but then gave in and walked near to wake him up. "Vihaan," she called out in a small voice.

No response.

She called out his name a little louder this time yet no response. She shook him lightly by his shoulders, he turned over but didn't wake up. Irritated, Aarohi took the glass of water kept beside the bed and splashed it on his face.

"What the- "

He yelled waking up with a jerk but his words died down his throat when he saw the sight in front of him.

A very good morning to me indeed!

He blinked and then widened his eyes to get rid of the water before dragging them from her toe to her head. She was wearing a saree, a peach pink one. Her hair was open and moved to one side. She looked divine. When his eyes finally connected with hers, she flashed him a bright smile.

"Good morning." Aarohi greeted him.

And with that he remembered that he's supposed to be angry and not mesmerized. He tried to wipe away her smile with his hard glare but when it didn't happen, he snorted.

"Have you lost your mind? What the heck are you doing?" He gritted out.

"Going for a picnic," she said flatly. "Of course waking you up! Since you were sleeping for too long."

He didn't look impressed. "And why would you do that?" He asked patiently while rubbing his face with the sleeves of his t-shirt.

"Because you weren't waking up." She said as if it was the most obvious thing.

Vihaan clenched his teeth. "You know you don't need to do that, don't you? Then why are you behaving like a wife when we both know the terms and conditions we laid out before getting married to each other!? You don't have to pretend." He said harshly.

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