Chapter Twenty-Two - Wanted

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I had a lot of things in my closet, mainly things suited to the outdoors and comfort but given my lifestyle anything else would be excessive. When Brett had dragged me out to get new things I had clung pathetically to my own idea of a good wardrobe. I had even baulked at getting jeans. So, it really wasn't surprising that I hadn't bothered to buy evening wear. For starters, a combination of genes, lack of a steady food supply, and constant exercise had left me lean to the point it felt like dresses swallowed me whole. Secondly, it wasn't like I thought I'd ever need anything nice to wear. Even if I had carried on that thought and remembered that I was Roman's mate and he might want to take me out somewhere, well it was only Roman. I would happily go in whatever I wanted and let him tease me about it the whole night. Which is exactly what I wanted to do tonight. Except it wasn't just me and Roman going out to dinner. It was us, as well as Alpha Kane and his mate, and Alpha Brandon. I could only imagine how much I wasn't going to enjoy this.

When Roman had informed me I was going with him, whether I liked it or not, I had spent most of the morning planning ways to make him regret his decision. Then I realized what a terrible idea that would be. Just Roman alone was one thing but Roman and two other Alphas, specifically other Council Alphas, that would be a recipe for disaster. Though based upon the state of my wardrobe it was probably going to be one anyway. I didn't even know why Roman was taking me or why two Alphas from the Council were coming into his territory to have dinner. Alpha Kane sort of made sense due to their recent shared trouble at the border, but Alpha Brandon had a pack on the other side of the country. And it couldn't be anything important otherwise Roman wouldn't take me. I had tried asking Roman, but I've come to the conclusion that Roman doesn't believe in explanations. I guess I would just find out tonight, if Roman still decided to take me after I showed up in a t-shirt and trackpants.

I fall back onto my bed, letting my eyes drift to the cobwebs in the corner of the ceiling. It was nice to live in a place that's worse problem was a few cobwebs on the ceiling. I jump up at the sound of a knock at the door, uncertain of who would be visiting. Maybe Roxy I ponder as I make my way out of the room to my front door. I'm proven wrong when I open it revealing Brett standing with her arms crossed tapping her fingers against her arm impatiently. Her eyes drift over me studying me critically, judgement clear in her eyes. I wrap my arms tightly around my own body in response to her scrutiny. Brett had this irritating ability to make me feel self-conscious with one look.

"Come with me," Brett orders turning and marching away before I even have a chance to process her words.

Part of me wants to watch her walk away to see how long it will take her to realize I'm not following but my curiosity wins. I pull the door shut jogging to catch up with her before falling into step with her long strides.

"Where are we going?" I question her.

Brett lets out an annoyed sigh at my question, "We're going to get you ready for tonight. Because apparently your table manners are too terrible to allow you to heap more embarrassment on Roman by letting you get ready by yourself."

I'd probably be more offended by her words if she hadn't sort of been right. Not about my table manners though, despite what Roman claimed they weren't that bad. Sure, I ate a little faster than most people and years of living with a limited utensil supply meant I ate things with my hands that you probably could use a fork for but still if Roman had seen some of the other resistance members eat, he'd realize it could be much worse. But Brett was mostly right about me getting ready alone. I'd never gone somewhere nice enough that I had to dress up for it. Hell, I'd never even owned make-up. But then again, I had never really had a normal life.

"If I'm so embarrassing to Roman maybe he should just leave me home," I suggest wishing he actually would.

It was hard enough navigating a conversation with Roman let alone any other wolf. Besides I'd prefer to stay as far away from Alphas as possible. Without a mate bond to protect me I was all to aware of what they were capable of doing to me. Not that Roman would let them but years of fearing wolves didn't disappear so easily.

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