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Stay a little longer?


Mercedes brought her hand up to her lips as she heard a few fans in front of her whisper about her been in Sebastian Stan's line.

She wanted to surprise him, to see how he would react to her been in his line. She picked up her photo of him as The Winter Soldier and waited patiently for her turn.

"Hey. What's your name?" Sebastian questioned, not lifting his gaze from scribbling down his autograph on the photo.

The brunette had to bite back a smile. She wanted him to so desperately notice before she said anything, but it didn't appear as if that was going to happen.

"Mercedes." She whispered, leaning down on the table and gaining his attention. She had decided to record his reaction, which she was glad that she did.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" He questioned, stuttering over his words slightly. He jumped up from his seat, making the brunette quickly step back.

Sebastian's smile stretched from ear to ear once he saw the brunette girl. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip. His hands ran over his shirt, smoothing it out, trying to look his best for the girl.

"Thought I'd come and visit you, I don't have anything to do for the next," The girl paused and looked at her watch. "five minutes."

Sebastian motioned for the girl to walk around, but she shook her head. Which disappointed him greatly, so he placed his hands on her waist and lifted her over the table, which earned a few hushed whispers from the fans.

Mercedes shook her head and let out a small laugh, resting her head on his chest as his hands lingered on her hips for a bit too long.

His thumbs ran along her exposed skin, making her stomach flip at the small action. The girl tried her best not to react. She knew that if she did, he would only tease her about it.

"I'm glad you came to visit me, Princess." He whispered as she lifted her head to meet his gaze.

Sebastian raised his hand to tuck a piece of hair behind the girls ear. He didn't miss the way she stiffened up, but quickly relaxed as he creased her cheek with his thumb.

Mercedes motioned back to the fans, that were all patiently waiting in the line for him to finish his conversation with the girl.

The man quickly rushed back to his seat, signing a few autographs and taking a few photos as he did so. His eyes couldn't stop flickering over to Mercedes, who watched him with a smile.

She walked behind him and rested her head on his shoulder, her fingers combed through his hair slightly.

"I think we give them too much to talk about sometimes." She whispered, pressing her lips into the crook of his neck.

Sebastian had to clear his throat so that he didn't make a sound. He didn't want to let the girl know that she had any sort of affect on him. That would only boost her ego.

His hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. His hand rested on her leg, tracing patterns on the inner of her thigh.

"Can I get a photo with you both?" A fan whispered softly.

"Of course." Mercedes smiled. "Don't forget to smile, Sebby." She teased.

The girl took the photo but didn't miss that Sebastian's eyes remained on Mercedes the whole time.

"Thank you." She squealed and quickly rushed away to show her friends.

"I should get going." Mercedes announced, going to stand up, but Sebastian's grip on her tightened.

Mercedes didn't say anything, she just allowed his grip to tighten. It didn't hurt her, but it made her heart rate increase.

"Stay a little longer?" He questioned hopefully.

She pressed her forehead against his and let out a heavy sigh. Being with Sebastian made her feel safe and comfortable. She wasn't sure what about him it was that made her feel this way. But she wished she could stay like this forever.

"I have to go." She whispered sadly. "Fleur will be pissed if I don't return soon. I told her that I was going to the toilet." Mercedes chuckled, she had been gone over five minutes and she knew that Fleur would have put two and two together by now.

"Fine." Sebastian groaned and reluctantly released the girl from his grip. Mercedes smiled at him, placing a kiss on his cheek, dangerously close to his lips.

Mercedes rushed through the busy halls of comic con, stopping every time a fan shouted her name or asked for a photo.

She doted on her fans and loved them to pieces. They were the reason she had grown so much as an actor over the past five years. Without them, she wouldn't have come this far.

"You're late." Fleur sang as she signed an autograph and passed it to the young girl in front of her. She seemed to be only about five or six and it made Mercedes smile at how happy the autograph made her.

"I was-"

"Visiting Sebastian." Fleur uttered. "I know." She chuckled softly. "I know you better than you know yourself, Mercedes, you'd be wise not to forget that."

Mercedes raised her brow questioningly, wondering what the girl had meant by it. Fleur and Mercedes had been friends for the past two years, they had grown much closer on the set of Silver and Black and then went on to spent time together off set too.

The pair quickly realised how much they had in common and then their friendship was formed. The girls loved each other like sisters, and treat one another as if they were.

It wasn't much of a surprise to anyone if they saw them together, especially considering they barely spent time apart.

"I just wanted to check in on him." Mercedes mumbled as she signed her photo.

"So," She paused almost cockily. "you checked in on Mackie too?" Fleur questioned with a knowing grin. There was a minutes silence before the girl said,  "Didn't think so."

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