iv. dreams were never on his side

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iv. dreams were never on his side

together, they plowed through enemy lines, taking out anyone who stood in their way. there was this feeling gale felt, and he didn't know what it was, but it was familiar. that feeling of adrenaline running through your veins, that feeling that made him feel unstoppable. he felt alive, like he could take on the world, and he hadn't felt that in years it seemed like. and he loved it.

he let air currents carry and fuel his movements as he swiftly weaved his blade through enemy lines, using the air currents and calculated strikes to take enemy after enemy out of commission.

he took a deep breath, scanning the battlefield, before he saw something that reminded him of his childhood. there was a girl, maybe 8, wearing armor that was loosely attached to her body, on the floor with a fearful expression. there were two kids in front of her, looking happy with themselves as they taunted her. it brought back memories, painful memories, memories that he didn't want her to look back on in pain, like he did. he brought his fingers together, focusing on a certain spot near them, and suddenly, the sky turned stormy as white lightning struck from the sky, close enough to scare the bullies off unharmed.

"gale, come on!" arcana exclaimed, grabbing his wrist and hauling him back to the group.

"alright, i'm coming!" gale responded, almost tripping over himself before regaining his balance and joining the rest of the group. they continued to advance forward slowly, gale and arcana fighting side by side, with frank shooting arrows and hazel on hannibal the elephant's back. but percy was the real sight to see. he fought like a maniac, hacking and slashing through enemy lines using an unorthodox fighting style. he slammed the flat of his blade into the head of the opponents, rolling and ducking their feet, and causing mass panic to defenders all around. he truly was a sight to see. he looked like a roman god, with the wind blowing in his black hair, and his eyes as green as the sea trained on his target. gale hoped no one saw him blush.

they advanced to the center of the base, which was heavily unguarded. hannibal busted down the doors, and inside the first and second cohort standard-bearers were sitting around playing mythomagic, as if they didn't expect them to get this far. they were stunned that the attackers were able to get this far, which gave them the advantage. they easily disarmed most of them, but while percy dealt with another one came up, dagger in hand, ready to strike on a distracted percy. gale swiftly disarmed the attacker, their dagger clattering onto the tiled floor, before gale kicked them into a wall.

percy looked at gale, smiling a bit. "i save you, and you save me. thanks."

gale blushed slightly, hoping percy didn't see it. "no problem."

arcana threw her javelin at a charging attacker, pinning them into a wall before she grabbed a banner and yelled, "come on!" together, they grabbed the last banner, climbing onto hannibal and they marched triumphantly with the enemy's colors. the fifth cohort formed ranks around them, as they continued to march past stunned enemies and surprised allies. arcana may have flipped the finger at some of their opponents.

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