Chapter 5

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As soon as I stepped inside the building of Oaks I could feel myself dreading about the decision that I have made.

Daniel was standing near the receptionist busy on his phone.

I walked towards him carefully and quietly.

He raised his finger to tell me to give him sometime and I give him a thumbs up as an answer.

I could sense some passerby giving us curious glances.

Daniel ended the call after sometime and apologized quickly.

"I'm sorry. Urgent calls." He give me an apologetic smile. "We have to take picture for your ID. It'll be very quick. I promise." He said while leading me to the security.

Like promise, it hardly took few minutes for them to print my ID. While waiting for the  elevator to arrive Daniel explained that Braydon is away today and that I'll just be going through the binders and emails and some other things.

I tried to contain my happiness hearing that Braydon is away but I think Daniel sensed that and laughed it off.

As soon as we arrived on the designated floor and the door opened. I saw Braydon standing outside in his workout clothes.

This was my first time seeing him in casual and I must say he does look good in casual. More carefree and less intimidating.

"Mr. Rivera." Daniel seem surprised by Braydon's presence and so am I.

"Daniel." Braydon give him a small nod and looked at me. "You're here."

"Yes." I said.

"First day?" He asked.

I don't know if he's pretending or genuinely doesn't know it. The fact that I'm his assistant. I'm pretty sure he knows that I'll be working today.

"Yes, sir." I said through gritted teeth.

"I'm about to show her to her desk and pass some informations and other important things." Daniel explained.

"Very well." Braydon said. "I just had to pick something up from here. I'll be on my way."

"Very well, sir." Daniel said.

Braydon looked at me as if waiting for me to say something.

"Have a good day!" I said cheerfully.

It could be a mistake but I could sense his disappointment when I said that but he didn't say anything and walked inside the elevator.

Daniel handed me a box filled with binders and papers and asked me to go through it. He handed me details of my employee's email and other important information.

I read and signed the anaphylactic plan for Braydon. He showed me the emergency medication box that have an epipen inside.

"You can always call the HR if you have more questions." He said. "Good luck!"

"Thanks. Have a good day." I said.

Once Daniel left. I sighed and sat down on the chair. There's no one in the hallway except for me.

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