「 Chapter 5 」

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tw: this chapter contains themes of violence and assault.

For the past few weeks, both Matthew and Nathan had been very busy. The rogues near their territory had been attacking more often, and there's a lot more of them they expected. It was evident that a war between them was inevitable, and very imminent.

"I'll come talk to you again later, I have a meeting with my Beta right now," Matthew said, glancing at his watch.

"Alright. Also, if you can, bring some chocolates for Maddie. She really appreciates them during this time of the month."

Matthew did not quite understand what Nathan meant by 'this time of the month', but agreed nonetheless. He enjoyed buying gifts for his mate, especially when he got to see her angelic smile as she received them.

This time, however, she did not smile. She did not even get up from the couch to greet him like she normally does. He stared at her worriedly while she ripped open the chocolate bar wrapper and took a bite, her other arm tightly clutching her stomach in pain.

"What's going on?" His eyes suddenly widened as an unusual smell hit him. Blood.

Before he could say anything, Nathan quickly pulled him to the side. "I know what you're thinking. Don't say anything about it."

"What? She's injured-"

"She's not, trust me. She's just... bleeding."

"That's what I just said."

"No- Can we get out of here so I can explain? She'll get embarrassed if she knows what I'm talking about." They moved to a different room. Madeline was still enjoying her chocolate bar, not paying attention.

"Will you tell what's wrong with her now?" Matthew demanded impatiently.

"There's nothing wrong with her. Bleeding is normal for female humans. It's like, their version of a heat, I think."

"She's in heat?"

"... No. She's just- I'm not an expert on humans, alright? All I know is that they bleed for about a week, once a month. And they like to eat chocolate during that week."

Matthew pondered for a while. He knew many things about humans, but he had never heard of this before. "Bleeding for a week? Where do they even bleed from?" He decided to do more research about it once he gets to his office. For now, they both figured it would be best to just leave Madeline alone during the next few days.


"Sergeant Nathan! You're positioned at the North border. Your squad is already on the way there," The Beta's loud voice boomed, before he turned to the next man in line to instruct him.

Several days had passed; the war had finally commenced. Members of the Pack had been training hard, willing to put their lives on the line and defend their land.

As Nathan neared the border, he noticed how multiple rogues already made it quite far into the territory. He joined his fellow warriors, trying to protect their Pack from the invaders, but the situation was quickly getting out of hand. What they had expected to be an easy victory was turning out to be quite a challenge.

"This is only the North Border. They're invading from every direction, how many of them are there?" He thought, getting more discouraged by the minute. A rogue leaped across the border, landing right in front of him.

He tackled the creature down, who responded by shifting into his wolf form and flipping them over, baring his canines at him. Nathan's eyes widened as his jaw surrounded his neck, preparing to bite down.

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