2. Enough

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My mom standing there with her arms folded shaking her head at me.

M: 'Come eat'

Y: 'I've already eaten thanks'

M: 'Dont care, if you want to eat at Lukes that's fine, but you will eat my food as well'

Y: 'At least Lukes cooks can actually cook. God, the amount of times that you've given people salmonella because of your disastrous cooking attempts should be a crime!'

M: 'Dont you dare disrespect me like that! Luke may have been bought up by a teenage parent-'

Y: 'Dont you dare shame her for being a teen parent, shes a great mom to those 3, shes a better parent then you will ever be'

My dad comes through the kitchen door and looks at me.

D: 'Why on earth are you speaking to your mother like that? And saying the Lords name like that is a shame,'

Y: 'You havent heard what shes been saying about Lukes mom, just because she had him at 19 doesn't mean you have to shame her for it. Shes a great mom and a better one then she will ever be to me, if I ever have a problem, I never go to her with it. I feel safe at that house unlike here in this toxic environment. I want to be about to do what kids my age are doing, like Luke and Olivia! They can drive, well Olivia's learning, they can go to high school parties, they can eat whatever they want and not get body shamed by their parents for it!'

D: 'Now your done with your outburt-'

Y: 'No I'm not done-'

M: 'Is that Luke's hoodie your wearing?! I knew you two were together and I will not have it!'

Y: 'Mom for the last time, I'm not with Luke! He is my bestfriend who I tell everything too, especially the abuse I get here'

D: 'We dont abuse you! We bought you up respectfully-'

Y: 'Respectfully my ass, you guys dont want me to do anything. I cant do anything to please you two. I got top in the class last week on my math exam and you guys said I could have done better. While Luke came 8th and God the amount of praise his parents gave him, they were so proud and I wish I had parents like he has'

M: 'We are proud!'

Y: 'You literally told me that I could have done better and that I 'got lucky'

D: 'Well you havent been studying cause your always round Luke's!'

Y: 'I study at his house because I tutor him! He needs help with some subjects and thats why I'm round there so much, to help him and escape from you two! I hate being here so much its unreal now I wish you had aborted me because maybe I'd be better off dead then with you'

I snatch my phone back from my mom and go up to my room and slam the door. I turn around to lock it and sigh. They took my lock off because they dont want me doing anything I'm not supposed to be doing. That was the first time I'd ever spoken back to them.

Normally I'd be playing the nodding dog and doing everything they say. Not anymore. I go out my room and into the bathroom and lock the door. I heard my parents in their room doing that. Disgusting. And they wont even let me do it. I sigh and sit in the corner and cry for a bit. I wash my eyes and wrap my arms around myself, pretending Luke's hugging me. I push my head into the hoodie and sniff it. It smells exactly like his aftershave and cologne and I smile.

I get up and unlock the bathroom door and go back to my room. I lay back on the bed and sigh. I pick up my phone and check the time. It was half 8 and my parents were expecting me to be asleep. Yep, still on the 5th grade bedtime scheme in senior year. I message Luke about what happened and he immediately messages back.

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