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Jenna went all out on the baby shower.

Streamers hung from one side of the room to the other. There were fairy lights in the backyard on the deck.

A dessert table that had Vanessa salivating and a table of baby shower basics. I.e., fried drummettes, potato salad, Swedish meatballs, and finger sandwiches.

She invited almost everyone from church and a few family friends. The house was packed with people.

"Reid, could you put three more drummettes on my plate?" Vanessa asked while eyeing the food table.

Reid kissed her cheek and grabbed her plate. "I'm sure our babies would like a whole new plate of food." She was now six months pregnant and Reid did more for her than she liked. He didn't like seeing her in pain, which was now very common.

"Ooh, you're right. And can I get a plate of dessert too?" Vanessa rubbed her large belly and smiled. "You're so handsome, Reid." She noted. He was handsomer than ever now that he was sprouting new gray hairs every day. She loved it.

Reid chuckled and walked away.

Jenna walked past him and sat next to Vanessa. "Are you enjoying the shower? Is it too much? How are my grandbabies doing?" She asked insistently.

"It's wonderful, mom. I love everything, especially the food. And your grandbabies are fine." Vanessa explained and side-hugged her mom. That was the only kind of hug she could give at the moment, well, unless it was Reid. She loved hugging him.

Lailah ran away from Eva and Anwar and ran into Vanessa's legs. "Hi, mommy! I was playing!"

Vanessa ruffled Lailah's hair. She wanted to pick her up, however, her stomach prevented that. "I saw you! Did you eat enough? I'll get daddy to fix you some more food." Lailah was growing and her appetite was growing as well. No harm found, Vanessa was a foodie herself.

Lailah squinted her eyes and stuck her tongue out. "Uh, I want more please! Chicken! I like chicken! Is it like the animal, mommy? Bcack!" Lailah clucked and wiggled her tongue around.

"You're a silly little girl, Lailah. I'll go fix your food," Jenna laughed and walked to the food table.

Lailah stopped acting like a chicken and she took Jenna's spot. "Mommy, where Cabby? Is he talking to that lady?" She asked and pointed at Cabbrieli.

Vanessa looked at Cabbrieli and saw that he was talking to Davina. She was a nice woman, way better than Heather. She worked at a daycare and served in childcare on Sundays at church. She was a true sweetheart.

Perfect for Cabbrieli.

"You pointed at him, Lailah. He's talking to Davina, you know her." Vanessa kissed Lailah's cheek and sat back. She wondered how he first started talking to her.

Jenna walked back with Reid and they both had plates of food.

"I set that boy up with her. Reid, your son was just hanging around like a dud. No offense." Jenna said as she picked up Lailah and sat her on her lap.

Vanessa scoffed and shook her head. Her mother was funny.

"She seems nice. Nice enough to make him smile," Reid pointed out thoughtfully. "Eat up, tesoro." He handed Vanessa her plate and stood next to her.

Vanessa wiped at the side of her mouth, just in case she had drool, and dug in her food. "God knows how good this food is. Mama, send this to my house every day." She moaned and popped a drumstick in her mouth.

Reid placed his hand on Vanessa's cute baby bump and sighed. He couldn't wait to meet his little twins.

"So, have you two thought of any names for my grandbabies?" Jenna asked while feeding Lailah a piece of chicken.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now