New Memories

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Izuku hummed as he fiddled with the lock and paper clip in his hand. Right now, he had just finished his lessons from Nezu and was inside his room, with Mamoru and Asuka in his room as well. The falcon was perched on an attachment Dadzawa had installed earlier and Mamoru was curled up in his bed. Izuku himself was on his bed, his legs under the covers.

Izuku looked up when he heard several knocks on the door to see Dadzawa leaning on the doorframe.

"Hey, Problem Child," Dadzawa smiled. Izuku smiled back.

"Hey, Dadzawa!" he said and Dadzawa chuckled as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Do you know what this box has?" Dadzawa said as he raised a small box with present wrapping around it. Izuku stared at it for a moment before shaking his head.

"It's a phone that has my number, Nezu's, and Chiyo's on it," Dadzawa explained as he lightly tossed it onto Izuku's bed. Putting down his two items, Izuku leaned forward to grab his new present and unwrapped it to reveal the white cardboard box that contained his new phone. Looking up at his Dadzawa with wide eyes, he said, "I can't accept this."

Dadzawa's eyebrows furrowed as he questioned, "Why not?"

"Because you've already done so much," Izuku protested. He gestured around his room. "I've got a room. I've got a parent. I've got to meet Kacchan again. I've got so much and now I've got a phone? Isn't this too much? Am I really worth it?" Izuku's voice got more panicked and higher as he continued. He didn't notice Dadzawa moving towards him until the bed sagged and Aizawa put his arm around Izuku.

"Shhh," Dadzawa said, patting the top of Izuku's head as Izuku held Dadzawa's shirt tightly. 

"Am I really not useless?" Izuku whispered. 

He was cracking, cracking, and was going to break. Everyone was made of glass. It just meant that his glass figure was going to break.

After all, no one notices unless they break.

Aizawa POV

Shit. He shouldn't have done that. Aizawa looked down at the now sleeping Izuku that was resting in his arms. Looking at the lock and paper clip, he noticed that they were the same lock and clip from when he first taught Izuku. Smiling softly, he patted Izuku's head.

This was all new to him. Despite however mature he may be, Izuku was still new. He couldn't take all this in at once. It was like throwing him into a pool when he couldn't swim. 

An overload of information.

Sighing, he put his feet onto the bed and leaned back onto the headboard. Closing his eyes, he went to sleep, making sure that his phone would wake him up with his alarm. 

Of Present Mic screeching, "Wake up Shou!" into his ear of course.

Izuku POV

His nose twitched as something tickled it. Izuku swatted it with his hand, only for it to come back. 

He swatted it again. 

Whatever it was came back. 

He swatted it again. 

Whatever it was came back. 

Irritated, Izuku opened his eyes to see Haiiro's tail swishing underneath his nose. Haiiro himself was sitting on top of his chest. 

He stayed still, waiting for the cat to jump off. Haiiro didn't so Izuku ended up gently pushing Haiiro off. With a sudden, loud meow, Haiiro jumped onto Dadzawa's legs to get down onto the floor. With a groan, Dadzawa woke up. 

Dadzawa took his own phone out and looked at the time. He then groaned once more. "I was supposed to sleep for another hour," he complained. Dadzawa looked down into Izuku's eyes and patted his head. 


"Hey, Problem Child," Dadzawa greeted him and Izuku flashed a smile at him. Smiling, Dadzawa reached forward. 

"Let's get everything set up, alright bud?" he asked. Izuku nodded as he snuggled into his dad's side. Dadzawa wrapped his left arm around him as he showed Izuku his new phone and its features. 

"We can get a phone case if you want. It'll protect it," Dadzawa commented. Izuku nodded.

They then spent the rest of Dadzawa's remaining time off exploring Izuku's new phone.

Bakugou POV

Fucking hell, he was still giddy about that meeting yesterday. The small grin plastered on his face wasn't going to go away for a bit.

"Hey, what's got you so happy?" his old hag asked. A tic mark grew on his forehead.

"Shut up, hag," he replied and she raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Bakugou asked and turned to her. 

"Nothing, but you didn't yell old hag," she commented. 


"That's the child I remember giving birth to!" the witch said as she placed his hand on Bakugou's head and ruffled it forcefully. His father looked worriedly between the two before sighing. 

Aizawa POV

He stretched his arms on a random roof as he continued his patrol. He had already apprehended several crimes already, but they were thankfully on the smaller scale. 

Nothing too bad.

He stopped temporarily as he spotted a familiar man with a black and white tight suit with another man behind him, this one having a mechanical bird beak mask.

Shie Hassaikai. A notorious yakuza group that was recently growing larger with bird beak masks as its symbol. His eyes narrowed as he watched.

The man in front was a man from the League of Villains, Twice, Aizawa knew that very well. The man behind him must've been Chisaki Kai, more popularly known as Overhaul.

He followed the two villains for several miles before a purple and black portal appeared. The two men entered the portal as Aizawa cursed. He couldn't follow them now, damn it.

Going back to the police station, he was going to report his findings. 

Nothing good could come with the League and the Shie Hassaikai.


"So, you want to control us?" Shigaraki murmured. The man in front of him nodded. Shigaraki glared. 

"We're making a deal, not making a new party," he growled. "Get the child. If he wants to join, we'll take him in. If he doesn't, you'll get him. Deal?"

Chisaki raised an eyebrow. "What's in it for me if you take him?"

"You'll get power, fame, and backing. Don't you want to continue your experiments?" Shigaraki asked. Chisaki narrowed his eyes before reaching out with his pinky. 


Shigaraki smirked as he put out a pinky. "Deal."

The two shook hands with their pinkies as Kurogiri warped the yazuka boss away.


When you're trying to write a romance fanfic but you're asexual and aromantic.


Anyways, please comment down below if you want a Haikyuu multiverse, a Kuroko no Basuke multiverse, a Haikyuu anime reaction, or a Kuroko no Basuke anime reaction! I only had six people vote on both here and AO3. That's a problem!

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