Chapter 48

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Mommmmm.! Micah and Machi are fighting again.! Majesty yelled from the living room. I sighed and went into the front.

If I have to stop making dinner one more time because y'all can't control y'all selves and share than nobodies going to eat COMPRENDE.?!


Micah give your brother back his toy and Machi give him his toy. You sit right there and you sit here.! If y'all get y'all asses up again you getting yo ass whooped. Now turn that damn tv back on and sit the hell down. I yelled.

Ma look.! Majesty said coming to show me her iPad. She sat at the island and widen the picture. It was a picture of a painting she drew in her art class today.

That's so nice baby.! Your getting better and better.!

Thank you. My teacher is having Saturday classes starts from 12noon to 6pm starting next month. And all I want for my birthday is to just draw and paint. But her class starts at 1,500 perkid. And I know with losing daddy and all we don't have the money....

Wait hold up.! Hold up who said we don't have money.?

I heard mama talking to nana saying we might go broke that's why I didn't wanna ask you for a birthday present this year.

First off you need to stop listening to grown folks business.! Secondly we are not going broke we have money that will last a life time, times 100.!

I just didn't wanna seem like a spoiled brat or be greedy.!

Majesty it's okay baby you can have whatever you want.! I wrapped my arms around my daughter hugging her right. This little girl was so unselfish and always thought about us first.

That's all I want is to take her classes for my birthday mom.!

Your wish is my command.! I smiled stirring the rice up.

I was making fried chicken, rice with cheddar broccoli over it. It was a hard knock on the door and I went over to go answer it. Malachi stood in my doorway.! I haven't spoken to Malachi in over a month. I hated him.!

What you want.? I asked not opening the door all the way so my kids wouldn't see him.

I just came to check on you.....I miss my sister and niece and nephews.!

We are doing just great.!

Can we talk.?

Talk about what.? You was keeping that secret from me just watching my life go down hill.

And thats why I told you when I did.!

You told me when I was trying to find ways to take my pain away. Not when I shot up a whole funeral, not when I kilt people for not having certain amount of money, not when I was killing people just cause.!

Okay you had a no bullshit policy.! But you was sniffing cocaine bro that's where I drew the line......

Yeah well Malachi that Shit hunts me every single day that I would ever in my life do something like that.....

You stopped.?

I been stopped seeing Martavion smacked me back to reality and I never touched that shit again.! But you betrayed me and helped him with that plan. Nobody stopped to think what that shit would do to us.? What that Shit would do to my kids.? He crushed them.! And I can't forgive you or him for that.! Bye Malachi.! I said closing the door in his face.

Mommy who's that.? Machi asked getting a juice.

Nobody go sit down for dinner. I said as I got their plates. Everybody sat down and I gave them their food. I said grace and they started to eat. It took a while for all of my kids to start smiling again. I wouldn't dare put them through anything else.

BestfriendsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon