Chapter 7: Indawo

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I sure didn't think I was sleepy but next thing I know it was more than an hour later. Yawning, I spoke to myself. "Guess I did need that." I turned to glance up at Thann, but he wasn't at his watch. Sitting up and scanning around a bit, I smiled to realize he was stretched out in the truck bed, feet dangling over the gate, asleep himself. Guess he needed it too.

We'd need dinner soon, so I hopped out to go pick some potatoes when I realized big guy Thann probably needed more calories than some root vegetables and rambutans. I did have two packets of freeze dried meals left, but those were small helpings even for me and Jia.

I wandered through the forest to my snares and had no luck, but I did know where there was a big wad of meat. The dragon. Would it even be edible? It had that weird blue blood. And what about time? I looked up to the sun. I'd be cutting it close on light hours if I headed back there right now.

But coming upon Thann's still sleeping form in my truck made me think it was worth it. Maybe a big roast would be a good thank you for saving me from the beast and for washing the burn from my arm. I looked down to the bandage and realized it was not hurting at all now. I pressed on the material and grimaced. The wound was still tender at least. But it wasn't burning and after living with a scorching arm for a week, tender was awesome.

Thann my man, I love you.

Deciding to go for it, I grabbed supplies and started down to the lake.

Looking over the sparkling water I knew my timing was getting better, and I should be able to make it back to camp before the sun even hit the horizon level.

Taking out my hunting knife, I cleaned the skin from the dragon's meaty back thigh and cut a significant roast away. Placing it in my collapsible bucket, I then walked to the lake edge and cleaned the blood from my hands and tools. The blue disappeared into the water like the eye above the waves.

I still wasn't sure if the dragon was even edible. Maybe the blue blood indicated some toxin or something. Looking over my hands, I expected to see the red sunburn like the deathberry water gave, but saw no such marks. I'd at least take the meat back to camp and Thann could tell me if we could cook it.

I started for the path, but realized with the language barrier, would I be able to tell him this was dragon meat? But then I had an idea. Digging my phone out, I climbed over to the creature and took a picture. I could show Thann the picture and sign eating and see if it's okay that we eat it.

So with my picture and thoughts decided, I headed back to camp.

But Thann was still sound asleep in the back. He was breathing, so the injury hadn't killed him, yet at least. Figuring I better just let him sleep, I sat my phone out to charge and waited.

I had drawn the monster as best as I could from memory in my notepad when the sky was darkening. The bucket of fresh meat would probably be a homing beacon to us, so I figured I'd need to cook it with or without Thann's permission. So I started a small fire and cooked the roast in a pot of boiling water. I set the pot into my thermal unit and let it keep hot until Thann woke up.

But the skies darkened and the fire burned to coals and still he hadn't woke. Figuring he wouldn't wake until morning, I ate a potato and went to close myself into the cab. I pulled the sleeping bag over me and realized that being out in the open Thann was going to need it more. The enclosed truck cab could keep me warm. Quietly I backed out of the car and spread the sleeping bag over him instead. He didn't move a muscle in recognition of the warm gift, so he was still out cold.

The headlamp showed his softened sleeping face and I smiled looking him over. He certainly was one handsome alien. I didn't know what I expected, little green men or octopuses or something maybe, definitely not some hot muscled dude. On Earth I never would have looked at someone so built, but I had really enjoyed the scenery with him.

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