Alpha Damian

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"Silver ready?"

"Yes Alpha!" The two rows of men yelled in unison as they made adjustments to their rifles. The back of this armored truck was large enough to fit more of us, but I wanted only a select few to accompany me on this mission.

"Do we really need to wear these Alpha?" Adonis, one of my younger warriors analyzed the thick black helmet sitting on his lap.

"This is a recon mission, I want no one's face caught on any camera, plus, these are bullet proof, you won't survive a silver bullet to the head will you?" I questioned.

"No, I guess not..." Adonis placed the helmet on his head, which not only covered his skull, but also shielded most of his face, literally making him unrecognizable, it was almost robotic looking.

"We're not far now boys, I can practically smell the Crimson fiends from here." I could feel the bumps in the road intensify, so I knew we were almost there. The edge of the border was rough terrain, but I was fully confident we could make the time, even with all of our gear. We were covered head to toe in black combat gear and gun holsters, which added an extra 50 pounds to carry, but thankfully, it didn't matter; we were werewolves and our strength, was a hundred times a human's own.

I peered over at the six men, still fiddling around with their holsters. I analyzed their faces, ensuring that they were mentally ready, because today there was no room for mistakes. Even know I personally trained each of them, I know first-hand how fear can take over one's mind.

My team was comprised of some of my best warriors in the pack; handpicked for todays mission. The Crimson pack hasn't been penetrated in decades, and it was about time that I paid them a visit. Alpha Holden has been free from justice for too long, and it was about time I exposed some of his dirty secrets. My father was always too hesitant to attack, which was another disagreement will always fought about, but now that he was dead, it was my decision to make.

"Remember boys, no changing to your wolf unless ABSOLUTLY NESSESARY. I want this to look like a human attack. Thank-fully our scent will be untraceable, but only for a few hours." An old trick my father taught me when doing reconnaissance missions; it was a concoction of herbs gathered by the nearby forests, comprised of balsam, bellflower and milk thistle.

"4 minutes Alpha, oh, and by that way, can you add some bourbon to that nasty concoction next time? It tasted literally like dog shit." Eric, my Beta, not even looking up from his computer screen, smirked while he continued typing furiously on his keyboard.

I shook my head and chuckled. He was right, it did take like shit.

"I'll take it that you agree with me then?" He grinned, but this time he brought his head up from the screen he was buried in, looking at me with his striking blue eyes.

He had a hard exterior; one scar that almost left him blind in one eye. It traced from his forehead, all the way to his cheek bone, just barely grazing his eyelid. It was left by a traitor, and every time I looked at it, I felt a slight sense of guilt.

I had a small scar on my cheek, from a rogue attack years ago, but mine was not nearly as bad and just barely noticeable, while his, stuck out like a sore thumb.

Eric always shrugged it off, calling the scar a 'battle wound' that he could brag to the ladies, but deep I was remorseful. I let the traitor go, and Eric got wounded in the process. Sometimes I found myself lurking around in the forests at night, looking, and hoping his traitorous red fur would poke through the bushes so I could finish him off once and for all.

"2 minutes ahead of schedule Alpha- you alright?" Eric voice suddenly snapped me back to reality. He furrowed his eyes brows, with a look of concern. "You sure you're alright?" He asked again.

Two Alpha's, One MateWhere stories live. Discover now