Chapter 1

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Kingsley Creed

Kingsley chuckled watching her best friend argue with a Karen that sat behind them

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Kingsley chuckled watching her best friend argue with a Karen that sat behind them. "Look Ma'am I'm really not trying to cause a scene but I promise you if I get up I will knock your old ass out." Asia said lifting her shade cover letting light pass through the small window. "King you hear this lady?"

Kingsley nodded her head. "Just chill we about to get off the plane in like a couple minutes." Kingsley told her.

Kingsley and Asia were taking a flight from Texas to Miami, Florida just to enjoy themselves. "Ouu look, our hotel is so luxurious. Shit it better be as much money we paid for it."

"Right." Kingsley said. "Where we going after we get settle in at the hotel?"

"I don't know. What you wanna do?" Asia asked. Kingsley sucked he teeth.

"Girl I was asking you." She said. "I don't know what to do."

"Well we can get some food and walk around. Ya know to see what we like." She said. Kingsley nodded her head agreeing.

"Yea we can do that. Later on tonight we can just probably chill until tomorrow." She suggested. "Or we can go on the beach."

"Oh yea. The hotel is right in front of the beach." She said. "Oh yea we made the right choice coming here. This will give us time to put everything behind us for now and have fun. No worrying about your job, or those hating ass bitches back home and fuck your ex that bitch ain't shit and he will never be shit." She said making Kingsley laugh.

"Ok you said this about 15 million time. I get it." She said. "And stop reminding me of him."

Kingsley slightly rolled her eyes thinking about her ex boyfriend. Him and Kingsley dated for almost 4 years which was the longest relationship she had ever been in her entire life. He left her wanting another women who thought that was better than Kingsley.

Asia spotted him one night at the mall and snapped pictures and sent them to Kingsley which led to their break up. After they're break up he treated Kingsley as if she was nobody.

She found herself being naive and repeatedly sending him texts hoping he would respond which he never did. She felt embarrassed for even trying to talk to. She blocked him on everything and focused on herself.

"Hey ladies welcome to Colombo Suite." A man at the front desk greeted the two ladies.

"Hey we have a room booked. Asia Morrison." She spoke while the man types in the computer.

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