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"Vengence," I spoke aloud as we drove silently in Panam's replacement car. The woman looked at me before focusing her attention back onto the roadway.
"You're out for blood. For vengence."

"The prick stole my ride, my eddies, Rogue's shit-"

"And you think flatlining him is the solution to all of this?" She growled at my response.

"Maybe I should've had Scorpion hang you," she gripped the steering wheel tighter.
"Look, you don't know me and I don't know you. So whatever happens, just stay out of my way."

"Say less," I took the safety off my pistol as we parked outside a construction site. Panam's car was parked at the front entrance, guarded by a dozen or so teched out henchmen.
"What's the plan?"

"The plan is, you shut up and don't flatline," Panam grabbed her sniper rifle from the backseat.
"We sneak in, killing everyone without alerting Nash." I nodded as I attatched a silencer to my gun.
"Sniper's on the roof. Stay low and stick to the shadows."

"Lets do this."

Judy's POV

"Valerie," I read her name aloud from my phone screen.

Call me when you get the chance, V....

My finger hoovered over the SEND button. I know V has a busy, bustling life as a merc but I sense something's not quite right. Then again, I'm 12 shots into this expensive ass tequila. Nothing seems right anymore.

"Hey there, sexy," a curvy joytoy walked over to me and sat besides me at the bar.
"You look like you need a little bit of fun." She was very beautiful, I'll give her that. Big titties, curves galore, freckles peppered all over her cheeks like sprinkles ontop of a sundae. Ruby red hair that curled and curved in every unique direction.

"I'm seeing someone," I kindly declined.

"They don't have to know," she whispered in my ear.
"Cmon, how long have yall been together?"

"We just got together, last night."

" 'S not cheating if yall only just gotten together. Besides, when was the last time someone made you feel good, ya know?" Part of me wanted to be loyal to V. Sadly, that part of me wasn't sober enough to think straight....nevermind,I haven't thought straight ever.

"How much you chargin?" The toy looked me up and down before licking her lips.

"For a pretty thang like you, only $50." I slid her a $100.

"I like to go a few rounds." The toy gladly took my money and lead me back to her motel room.


"V!" Panam yelled as a sniper shot me in my back. She loaded her rifle and shot the last remaining threat. I leaned against the metal gates as I wrestled into my pocket for the Maxs.
After injecting myself with enough MaxDocs to make my blood become an antidote, I tend to Panam's bullet wound in her arm, despite the numerous amount of gunshot wounds I obtained in our bout of conflict.

"Fuck, V." I injected her with two Maxs before ripping off the shirt sleeve of a dead guard, using it as a makeshift bandage.
"You saved my life."

"I wouldn't say we're safe yet," I helped her to her feet.
"Still gotta find Nash's prick ass." My eyes glowed violet as I scanned the surroundings.
"Bingo, my sensers picked up his heat signature about half a mile out, hidding in a warehouse." I reached for my rifle before Panam grabbed my wrist.

~•Flatlined•~ [Female V + Judy]Where stories live. Discover now