Familiar situation

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Chloe woke up with a throbbing headache but she could feel movement. She was in the trunk of a car, she scanned her surroundings and tried to look for anyway to escape but there was no weapons, no emergency latch or anything. She was all alone, she just hoped her dad would find her soon, she didn't cope well with stress and fear. She felt the car come to a halt and she hit her head off of the door, she groaned in pain but she was interrupted by a man, a tall, African American, bald man. He grabbed her out of the trunk and dragged her inside of an abandoned building.  Her eyes flickered as she let tears fall down her cheek silently, "get off me, let me go. My dads gonna find me and when he does you're dead" she hissed at him.

               He laughed and pulled her along the floor faster, "your dads the reason you're here, so I wouldn't be so sure of that sweetie" he scoffed.  Chloe frowned at that statement but she ignored him, her dad would never do this to her.  "Let's play around for a little while, we'll wait till your dad gets back to his work place then we'll give him a call" he laughed as he hung her up by her hands from the ceiling.  Chloe hissed and fought back but she was up against 3 men who were all five times her size, she was pretty much just making her situation worse.  "Oh sweetie, you're just like your dad" the leader of the little group teased her before throwing a punch to her stomach.  She received punch after punch, every little comment she made gained her a harder hit so she pretty much stayed silent.  She could feel the blood dripping down her face and she could taste it in her mouth, "not as strong as your dad though are you?" He laughed while ripping off her shirt.  She was originally only in Nike pro shorts and a black shirt so now she was just in her bra and shorts.  She cried louder as they tortured her for an hour straight, she was so tired.

                "Chicago PD!" Jay shouted angrily as he walked into his own apartment, "the pricks gone" he rubbed his hand over his face.  Hank walked in just as angry as jay, Chloe had pretty much became like a granddaughter to him.  "We'll get her back safe, I'll make sure of it" hank sighed.  Everyone swept the apartment for clues but there was no digital footprints.  They cordoned off jays apartment and locked the door since it was now an active crime scene, they all drove back to the district to find a lead and get Chloe back.

                 As jay huffed in worry and sat down at his desk and incoming call flashed on the computer screen, "guys I got something" he waved everyone over.  The team all ran over and jay painstakingly accepted the call, he was disgusted by the sight.
Caller: "ahhh detective halstead, I'm sure you remember me all too well"
Jay: "where is she?"
Caller: "oh she's here don't worry, I just thought you might want to see this familiar situation..."

                 The man laughed and turned around slightly so the team could see Chloe hanging behind them, the men were tazing her, punching her and beating her just like they did to jay years ago. 
Jay: "you let her go right now"
Caller: "oh no no no, no can do. Besides she's more fun, she bites"
Jay: "what do you want?"
Caller: "sweet sweet revenge, one of my boys got popped in prison so now we're popping your girl"
Chloe: "dad...!"
Jay: "I know baby, we're gonna get you real soon"
Caller: "oh you'll get her alright, just not alive"

                 The men took one last blow to chloes broken body and she hung her head back from feeling so tired, the man who had kidnapped jay years back hung up the call and left the team on the other end speechless and sad.  "So he's the drug kingpin, track the caller ID" hank said while vanishing into his office seeming rather annoyed.  Jay sat back in his chair with tears in his eyes, "we're gonna get her back don't worry" hailey placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and smiled sadly before leaving to go to her own desk and find them.

                 Chloe was untied from the ceiling and dragged to a big empty room with three windows, she was thrown in the middle of the floor and the men laughed before leaving her there.  She laid on the floor crying while her whole body aches in pain, she had little to no energy left so she closed her eyes and fell asleep. 

               "We've got em. Warehouse on 115th" Kevin shouted.  Everyone got up and hank resurfaced, "Suit up" he ordered.  Everyone ran down to the cage room and geared up with their vests and guns before getting in their cars and driving to the location.  They took position outside and hank waited for the right moment, jay was a bag of nerves. 

               Chloe heard the door slam open so she woke up and attempted to scurry away but the kingpin grabbed her and turned her over, "you're dad and his little teams here, but he's too late, sweet dreams princess..." he laughed as he raised a gun to chloe.  She let out a last cry before the man shot her in the shoulder.  The team heard the shot from outside, jays face turned pale, "move in!" Hank shouted and everyone ran in.  The two men were standing with guns raised and hank did not hesitate so he shot them both out of anger, plus they were armed so he had a reason.  Jay and hailey ran over to the second room, they paused before they kicked the door down and saw the man stood with a gun over chloes barely breathing body.  Jay shot him straight away and ran over to his daughter.

                   Chloe could feel the room getting darker and darker, she could hear jay and hailey talking to her but it sounded like she was on another planet.  "It's okay baby I'm here, I'm here. You're gonna be okay" jay lied with tears in his eyes.  Chloe raised her bloody arm in the air and she cupped jays face, he grabbed her hand, "I'm here, I've got you" he let a tear fall.  Chloe went to talk, "I love..." she started but coughed and jay but her off, "I know I know, I love you too. Don't try to talk okay?" He said worriedly.  He turned around to see the unit stood watching in shock, "where's this ambulance?" He said clearly anxious.  Chloe gasped for air and jay shot his head back to his daughter, he put more pressure on the bullet wound that was seeping with blood, "stay with me chlo, come on" he whispered as she was struggling to breath. 

                 She struggled to keep her eyes open, she was tired of fighting the bright light and the pain so she gave in and all she could see was black.  Jay saw her eyes close and her head hang lifeless, "no no, chlo hang on okay? Hang on baby" he said while gripping onto the back of her head tighter since he didn't want to let go.  Brett and Mackey came running in with a back board, "start compressions" Brett ordered to Mackey, she done as brett said and started pounding on the teenagers chest, jay held chloes hand tightly.  "No pulse" Mackey paused, Brett nodded, "Charge to 100" she said while picking up the paddles.  "Clear" Brett shouted as she paddles made a buzzing noise.  Everyone stepped back slightly and Brett shocked Chloe, "still no pulse, resume compressions" Brett ordered while charging the paddles to 200.

               "Come on chlo..." jay whispered while grabbing her hand again. Mackey stopped compressions and let Brett into the space, "clear" she shouted again before shocking chloe, but with a higher power this time. "We got a pulse" Mackey confirmed as she lifted the back board up with the help from the unit. Jay never let go of her hand as he ran out of the building with the team, "you can ride in the back" Brett said to jay while lifting the gurney into the ambo. Jay nodded and hopped in, "we'll meet youse at med" Brett said while closing the door and running around to the front of the ambo.

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