We Need An Ambulance At The Subway On Levenworth

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I didn't think I would be bribing Bo into caring about her homework. I assumed it would be the other way around. Sometime during this relationship, I thought I would be a bad influence. Nope. It didn't happen that way. She said there was no way I could get her to come to school. Yet, here I am, feeding her Scooter's blueberry muffins as she types on her computer.

The Cathedral window cast a rainbow on us. Bo loved it most when the four o'clock sun hit the glass at the right spot. We watched the room glisten in color, proving how magical books really could be.

"Drink," she mumbled.

I pushed the red straw against her lips, smiling as they lapped around the plastic, and started sucking down on the Redbull infused smoothie. She needed the motivation to complete the assignments she was behind on. I will do anything to get her grades back up because I know how much they mean to her.

"Okay," she threw up her hands. "I don't understand this part."

I tried explaining to her what was happening in Public Speaking. "Babe, I don't know what to tell you."

She looked at me with a pout. "You're supposed to be my tutor."

I snorted, trying to conceal my laughter. "Not your miracle worker."

A gasp left her mouth. "Kinnick."

"You might fail."

"No!" She started shaking her head. "I can't fail."

I rubbed my chin. "How about we put this one to the side and start on an essay instead of a test?"

She agreed, creating a new document on her computer. I pulled out her book, reading the information on the page. I had to reread the same paragraph more than once at times. The constant repetition should have annoyed me - it didn't. If it meant she would pass her class, I didn't care at all.

Her eyes left the screen to look at me. "Kiss?"

I leaned over, pecking her lips. "Better?"

She hummed, smiling. Her shoulders lifted as the happiness flowed through her body. My head shook back and forth, staring at her with adoration. It wasn't long before she was turning in another essay. She had a lot of them, but if there is anything that Bo loves most about school, it's writing.

"Let's go out for dinner. You pick."


"So we can celebrate."

"What are you celebrating?"

"You," I nudged her.

"What did I do?"

"You got out of bed this morning," I pulled her into my side. "And you're getting your assignments done."

"We don't have to celebrate something I should do -"

"Yes, we do because I know how hard it is."

After hours of driving around, she finally told me what she wanted to eat. Bo is indecisive but I ask her to choose because I didn't want to pick somewhere she dislikes. For saying she isn't a picky eater, she hates pizza and can't stand Taco Bell. Not because it makes her tummy upset, but it tastes disgusting.

She insisted on going through a drive-thru, but she is sitting next to me wearing those thigh-high boots I fucking love so much, and I knew I couldn't do that. I wanted to take her out and show her off. When she stepped out of her house this morning, I almost stopped existing. Her beauty is unmatchable.

I've been with countless women in the past. All of them looked different. Different body sizes, skin color, and attitude. Until Bo, I've never seen perfection. The day she walked into the gym, her hair in a messy bun and fancy gym clothes, I knew I had to have her. Until I found out she was Seth's kid. Then I tried avoiding her, like the plague. I couldn't. I could never.

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