Chapter Twelve: Filming, tattoos, and fun in a trunk

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~~~~Contains Sexual Content~~~~

I smile as I watch Johnny act. Tim invited me to join them on the set of Dark Shadows. I've never watched Johnny act before. Honestly, it's like I'm falling in love with him all over again. I'm unaware that Tim has turned the camera to me, filming me instead of Johnny.

"Tim?" Johnny asks from his marker onset. Confused I turn to Tim, my cheeks flaring dark red when I see the camera on me.

"Sorry, Johnny. I thought it was cute watching her watch you. You can tell she is in love with you." Tim chuckles, turning the camera back to Johnny. Luckily Johnny is covered in white makeup, so you can't tell he is blushing. They go back to filming, while I continue to watch. After some time Tim calls it a day and Johnny leaves to remove the costume. He comes back a few moments later, taking my hand to lead me away.

"Where are we going?" I giggle, instinctively taking some of his weight. Though he has healed quite a bit, he is still weak. Tim tends to ignore it, but it's not something I can ignore. He looks ready to pass out.

"To my trailer. I need a nap." He mutters, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. Now he can lead against me a little more.

"Are you sure you aren't overdoing it?" I whisper, helping him up the steps into his trailer.

"I'll be fine." He sighs, taking my hand as I come up the steps. He doesn't have the strength to help, but it's nice to hold his hand. I let him lead me to the bed, gasping when he just flops onto the bed. He groans but doesn't move.

"Are you trying to hurt yourself?" I gasp, climbing onto the bed with him. He mutters something into the bed but I can't understand him.

"What?" I giggle, leaning into him. A smile spreads across his face as he turns to me, offering a kiss. My smile grows as I kiss him.

"How did I get so lucky?" He purrs against my lips.

"Are you going to ask me that every time we kiss?" I giggle, snuggling up to him.

"Until I figure it out, yeah." He chuckles, pulling me into his chest. It doesn't take him long to fall asleep.

"What am I going to do with you?" I sigh against his chest. He always wonders how he got lucky, but fails to realized I've wondered the same thing. A chance meeting at an airport...I never imagined it would lead to this. I carefully pull away from him to look him over. There are still some minor remains of makeup on his face. I nervously stroke his cheek, a small smile growing on his face. However, he doesn't seem to wake up.

"I love you, so damn much," I whisper, placing a tender kiss on his head. I curl back up to him, smiling when his arms tighten around me. With another content sigh, I let myself fall asleep.


I let out a soft hiss as the artist continues on my tattoo. It's on the left side of my ribs, and very painful. Johnny is right next to me, holding my hand.

"You good?" The artist asks but doesn't stop.

"Yeah, I'm good." I give him a small smile before closing my eyes again.

"I can't believe you are getting a rib piece for your first tattoo." Johnny chuckles, thoroughly enjoying himself.

"Had to put it where you could get a matching one." I squeeze his hand as the artist goes back over my rib.

"I may have a few tattoos, but I have plenty of room." Johnny laughs, his thumb stroking my hand.

"A few? You have sixteen soon to be seventeen."

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