Chapter 6

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I felt actual, real fear.

I was curled up on the couch with my knees to my chest, watching the scene play out before me. The kids are crazy! The baby is screaming while laying on top of a blanket on the floor, Lyon and Lana are fighting over some toy, Jeremy's three kids were chasing each other in circles around the coffee table and Sterling was taking a phone call somewhere in the house.

They've only been here a few hours and I literally couldn't take it anymore.

Where the hell is this man? He left well over fifteen minutes ago to take this call and he still isn't back. I was close to just abandoning the kids, going into my room, locking my door, and putting earphones in to block out all the noise, but even I'm not that harsh.

When I noticed Lana was about to trample the baby, I quickly scooped him up, holding him away from my body while his crying ceased and his eyes grew confused. His face was red from the strain of his screams, tear streaks staining his soft skin. Both he and I shared a look of understanding, that neither one of us had a clue on what to do next.

His face scrunched up suddenly and a million thoughts ran through my head. Is he hurt? Is he tired? Is he hungry? I can get him an apple from the kitchen. Does he even eat apples? Is he allergic to anything?

It's all too much.

I decided on bringing his body closer to mine, instantly easing his nerves as his eyes started to droop, unfazed by the rest of the noise going on. The feel of him in my arms, it felt strange, I slumped my shoulders, staring at the baby. I waited until his eyes were shut before I laid him down on the couch, surrounding his body with pillows because I know enough about babies to know that they can roll off of things.

Okay, operation baby, complete.

Next step, the crazy kids.

I quickly turned on the TV, playing something childish that I'm sure kids would like. Spongebob, everyone likes Spongebob, right? They immediately settled, dropping to the floor, already mind-controlled by the technology before them but I didn't care. They are now quiet, the baby is asleep and low and be-fucking-hold now is when Sterling decides to come back, surprised that everything was completely fine.

I glared at him from the couch, stomping past him and into the kitchen where I knew he'd follow.

"You look mad." He states.

"Mad? Am I mad Sterling? You left me with a bunch of nut cases and came back only when I got them to settle down! So am I mad?!" I shouted, his eyes widening at my outburst.

"I'm sorry, but I had to take this call. It was from Alpha Ow-"

"I don't care who the hell it was from! You don't just leave me with a bunch of children and expect me to take care of them and for what? Is it because I am a female you just naturally assume I'm good at this shit?" I seethed, upset he would do something so sexist.

He looked around me, into the opening of the kitchen where the children were visible, eyes locked onto the TV. "I mean, you did get them to calm down. . ."

"Unbelievable," I say, pushing past him, stomping up the steps and into my room to change. I'm getting the hell out of this house, now.

I was just about to strip when the clearing of someone's throat startled me. I whipped around to see Evander casually laying in my bed, hands behind his head with his eyes closed. What the hell is going on today?

"You." My voice was accusing, annoyed with him. "You were up here all this time? You didn't think to help out?"

He smiled, shrugging a bit, "I'm not one for children."

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