02- Let's hope the happiness lasts

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"You getting used to the boat yet mate?" I hear my Dad ask Baelfire.

"I'm doing better, i still get a little queasy sometimes though" Baelfire replies.

I look down at my hands as i sit on a crate, looking out onto the ocean.

I hear footsteps coming towards me, so i look up.

"You ok?" I hear my Dad say as he comes and sits beside me.

"Yeah, i'm fine"

"Obviously your not, love, you would usually tell me to mind my own business if i asked that" He says as we both laugh, quietly.

"I think i'm going to leave the ship, at the next island we come across" I say as i look at his confused face

"Kirra, what's going on?" Dad says

"H..he's after me Dad..."


"No, i promised her that we wouldn't...... She is my Daughter what do you suggest we do, leave her?!" I hear Dads booming voice from above deck as i listen, swinging on my hamock below deck.

I hear the door creak open, but i don't look up.

"Hey, Ki" I hear Baelfire say

"Hi" I answer as i keep looking at the ceiling as the boat sways

"I heard what happened, and i think it's a bad idea... i don't want to stay here if you aren't here"

I turn my head to look at him as he sits on a chair next to the swinging bed.

"I led them to you" He says and i sigh and jump down from the hammock and i sit next to him.

"No you didn't... He said that he had been watching me for a while, it's not your fault" I say as i hug his side. "And i don't want to leave you or my Dad but it's the only way to keep my family safe..."

"Then I'm coming with you, this last week, you have become my best friend, like an older sister to me even" He says as we both nod.

"He's not like anyone else, he looks like a kid, but really he's quite old. He will trick you into being his friend and he will manipulate you... i don't want you to fall for it, you can't" I say as i pull up my legs onto the seat next to me.

"I won't, i promise!" He says as i laugh

"That's what they all say..."


"Left side is called port, right side is called star ward" I hear Dad say as i walk out from bellow deck. "Now go two notches to port"

I watch as he turns the ship some to the right and i raise an eyebrow at Dad as he has turned the wrong way.

"You were born with the sea in your blood!" Dad shouts as i shake my head "You spoke of your Mothers fate... Your Father, what came of him... You say he left you"

I look down as i think about what happened to my Mother.

Wait... Could that mean...?

"It's a long story" Baelfire says, answering Dad's question

"A story i knew all too well... My Father and i decided to set sail, but i woke up one morning and he wasn't there, turns out he was a fugitive and he fled to avoid capture..."

"If i tell you something, will you promise to not tell the crew, they may become frightened.."

I watch as Dad nods

"My Father is the dark one, Rumpelstiltskin. Once he got the dark dagger, he became obsessed.. it's the only thing that can kill him"

"Dad!" I say as i run up to the top deck, not realising the intense discussion that has just gone on. "I need to talk to you!"

"Alright, love... I'll talk to you later Baelfire"

Baelfire nods and walks away from us

"Dad... Baelfire, he's my... he's my half brother?!" I say, smiling

"Well, yes, i suppose he is" Dad says, only just realising it himself.

You see, after hearing some of the conversation, i realised that the pirate that captured his Mother was my Dad.

Although he didn't capture her, i'm sure that his Dad told him that to make it seam like my Dad had taken her away from him unwillingly.

So that means that when Mum became pregnant with me, she had already given birth to Bae a year before, so... we might have different Dads, but we came from the same Mother.

I run down the stairs and i find Baelfire and i hug him tightly.

"What's got you so excited?" He asks me

"Nothing.." I say as i can't tell him about my Dad being with his Mum yet "I'm just happy" I say

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