4| Demanding

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"Punch! Punch!," Noah encouraged me as I hit my opponent. "Uppercut!" When I had finally got my opponent on the floor, i looked towards him in happiness. He gave me a thumbs up before he threw me a bottle of water.

"You did good," he praised me. "You haven't even been here long and you're settling in alright." He gave me a warm smile making me frown slightly.

I'm settling in without the help of my mate. I'm not supposed to be here. I shouldn't be here.

Suddenly, Grayson stormed towards us making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. He likes to stay as far away from me as possible so this is strange. "Noah!," he barked out. He was definitely angry. "What the fuck is she doing here?," he asked furiously as he glared at me.

"She's training," Noah replied slowly, equally confused as me.

"She's not any more," he seethed out. "Pack this shit up." I watched as my anger bubbles up inside of me as he stormed off. I looked towards Noah feeling angry and confused.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I ran to catch up with Grayson. "What the fuck was that?," I said to him angrily as I pulled his shoulder making him stop and face me. I ignored the tingles which were somehow making me feel angrier by the second.

"Show some respect, pup!," he snapped at me causing a vein in his forehead to pop. I refused to back down enjoying pissing him off.

"Oh fuck you! And stick you're respect up your ass," I yelled out with a scoff. We were pretty far from everyone else so there were no eavesdroppers which means I can say whatever I want to him without worrying that someone might overhear. "You have no right to tell me what I can and can't do!"

"Yes, I can. You're on my land. You're in my pack," he hissed at me. "I own you." Bitch please, nobody owns me.

"We'll see about that then, won't we, asshole?," I said with a smirk. I decided right there that I was going to go back home and try to make his life miserable just like he's doing to me. Maybe being away from him will make him feel miserable. I have no idea how the fucking mate bond will work but I'm hoping the more distance there is between us the more miserable he gets. He didn't bother to reply as he fast walked back to his house.

I followed him and went straight towards my room. I already have some dark memories here that I don't want to keep being reminded of. I shivered as I thought about that nightmare I had before I grabbed my suitcases and filled them with all my things. I have no idea why I even unpacked in the first place. Did I really think he was gonna change? Once the room was completely empty of my things, I left the room. Grayson wasn't here. His scent was slowly fading.

"Alana," my wolf, Dawn spoke. "Don't do this. I know you feel like you have to but there's no point. He's our mate. And he's gonna have to make a decision sooner or later."

"I'd prefer it if that decision happen sooner rather than later. I can't spend my time here when I could be doing something more productive. He doesn't want me here so why the fuck am I forcing it?," I snapped at her. She let out a sigh before deciding to stay silent.

I really hope does make the decision sooner rather than later. He needs to decide on if he wants me as his mate or not. He needs to either reject me or accept me. I really hope it happens soon.

I left the house and dragged my suitcase along the gravel pathway. "What's happening?," Olivia asked me, confused as she eyed up my suitcases as she came towards me.

"I'm leaving," I shrugged. She didn't question me as she kept me company till the border. I gave her a long hug before walking across. I finally left his pack. Even though he hasn't marked me yet, I could feel the mate bond, that loves trying to pull us together, tug on my heart and I'm pretty sure he can feel the same thing too.


Hours and hours later, I finally reached my home. I didn't have to ask for permission to enter the pack grounds since I was still technically a member. "Mom?," I said with teary eyes as she opened the front door.

"Oh my! What happened?," she asked me as she brought me inside. She came upstairs with me to drop my bags off.

"I can't do it anymore," I spoke softly, my voice cracking slightly. "He doesn't talk to me. I left and he let me. He doesn't care. He doesn't want me and this stupid mate bond is making everything worse."

"Honey, you know the mate bond is sacred and special. The moon goddess wouldn't have paired you two together if she didn't think you were a perfect match. To make a relationship work, you have to fight for it on both ends. Everyone has a past that they'd rather have people not knowing. It may seem like he's fighting against the bond and he might be but he'll come around and realise he needs you. You can't do anything until then unless you decide you're completely done with him," she comforted me. Me being completely done with him means rejecting him and right now,
I don't want to reject him mostly because I don't really know him.

After a while my mom and I went downstairs, I greeted my dad and brother with a hug and a kiss after not seeing them for a while before we all sat down for breakfast. A loud knock prevented us from eating. "Get up!," Grayson barked at me as he stormed into the dining room. I looked at him in anger. I seem to be pretty angry nowadays. He brings out the worst in me.

"Excuse me!," I said as I raised my eyebrow. "How dare you come in here and order me around like that?" Since I'm his mate, his Alpha voice doesn't work on me so he can't command me to do anything.

"We're leaving. Let's go," he said through gritted teeth before he reached for my upper arm. I immediately flinched away as his hand touched me as I was suddenly transported back in time in a dirty little room with a man screaming in my face.

"Get your hands off her!," my dad boomed out as he noticed my movements, snapping me back to reality. I'm surprised that Grayson didn't notice. "I don't care that you're an Alpha. You will not touch my daughter!"

"Show some respect!," Grayson said barked at him. "Get the fuck up!" He pulled me up from my seat by my arm. I knew my dad couldn't do anything or he'll most likely end up dead.

"Get off my fucking arm," I hissed at him before I pulled my arm out of his extremely tight hold. "I'm not leaving. You either want me or you don't. I'm not a second choice." I stood up even straighter if it was possible as I stared into his eyes. "Reject me or accept me right now." He only needs to say three little words, 'I accept you' or 'I reject you'.

"Shut the fuck up and get out!," he growled threateningly at me as his eyes began flicking between brown and yellow, telling me that him and his wolf are running out of patience. His wolf was trying to come out. I widened my eyes in shock and a little bit of fear as I took a small step back. I glanced over at my mom to see my brother comforting her as my dad glared at Grayson.

Grayson took a long step towards me before I turned and ran outside. I needed to get away. Just as I was going to run in any random direction, someone pressed a cloth to my mouth. I didn't even turn around to see who it was. I could feel the tingles spreading from around my waist. I stupidly inhaled whatever it was covered in before falling limp in his arms.

Graysons PoV
I lost my temper. I never actually believed she'd leave. Who would blame her for wanting to? The way I've been treating her, I'm surprised she never left sooner. Every time I touch her, she flinches. She flinched when she first came with me when I tried waking her up. I will admit that I shook her pretty hard that day. She flinched again today when I grabbed her forearm. Is she afraid of me?

I snapped my self out of my intrusive thoughts as I looked down at her. She looks like an angel. She's so innocent yet a fiery little devil. I did what I had to do. I couldn't let her run. She has to be with me. Just her scent being there, surrounding me, calms the beast within me.

Her eyes were closed, revealing her long lashes. Her pink plump lips were tempting but I fought my urges knowing that once I get a taste of her, I'll never be able to stop. I moved her hair out of her face. She barely weighed anything. Someone needs to shove some food down her throat.

I hate the way I have to be around her, well technically everyone. I'm an asshole to everyone and anyone. I can't let anyone in especially not her. It'll only ruin her. I'll only ruin her. The best way is for me to make her want me more so she doesn't leave or to make her feel like she can't leave. I only have to control my emotions which I doubt will be an issue as they're rarely there. I don't think that it's gonna work but I'm gonna have to try. It's the least I can do.

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