chapter 20 //

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guess who came out of hibernation to write one chapter

also would like to note - no one in this story is going to go 'i like this new leige better lol sucks to suck old leige' because it would be easier but its also so so unrealistic - old leige was still a person who didnt do anything absolutely despicable yet, saying that would be akin to dismissing the old leige completely without any sense of discomfort that someone else literally took over his body.

George's heart raced against his chest. 

Standing outside the room of who he was now hesitant to call his brother's, he attempted to take some deep breaths, managing to calm down somewhat as he realised he was in a place where anyone could easily see his dishevelled state. 

Swiftly, George walked down the empty corridor, grateful that this was still lesson time.

He needed to go to a place no one else would find him, he wanted to go to a place where he could digest what was going on, a place where he could be alone. 

Luckily, as it was his last year in this school, he knew the place like the back of his hand, so he easily slipped out of the doors leading to the gardens, skilfully finding his way around the back of the trimmed hedges to an opening clear of any other people.

Only he and Victor knew about this place, so he was confident no one else would find it. 

He sat against the back of the trimmed hedges in a daze, hoping for the sharp sensations on his back to poke some sense into him as he stared at the opening before him. 

The space was large, or at least it would have been large if not for the cut branches and piles of swept leaves littering the ground, most likely from when the people working in the gardens had decided the spot was too secretive for anyone to know it was their dumping ground - but for now, the space was cramped and it was clear that this was simply a spot the gardeners had not bothered to take care of, with grass growing rampant and daisies which would have usually been carefully plucked out peeking out shyly. 

However, as much as the gardeners had chosen to neglect the now little spot behind the trimmed hedges, the sun did not differentiate and chose to shine on the spot anyway, of course save the scarce shadows provided by the perfectly cuboid hedges. 

The place shone with a wild kind of beauty, something rare in an academy as superficial and classist as it was. 

So this was what this place looked like before all this academy bullshit came into place. 

George would often think as he spaced out from the rest of the world, twiddling with a daisy growing near his reach. 

 But today, he did not have time to admire the raw beauty as he awoke from his daze.

His breathing became near erratic again as his mind raced.

How long had this been going on?

...No, that much was obvious to even a passer-by. It had to be the morning of when Leige, or the person occupying Leige, had apologized to him.

His heart ached as he realised the apology from Leige had not been real at all. He knew it was too good to be true in the first place.

More importantly,

Who was inside Leige?

Even if he was unable to accept that his Leige was not his Leige anymore for now, he knew he would have to eventually, and so instead tried to figure as much as he could out. 

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