Chapter 42: Surprise Appearances

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He just stares at the bundle of money, now sitting in front of him. 

"What is this?" He eventually speaks, glancing up at me. "It's for you and your family Grayson."

He looks at me in confusion, "Thank you Aleja but I can't take this." He shakes his head, shoving the money back to my side of the table. I just sigh and shove it back, "You can and you will. Look no one our age should have to worry about paying the bills for their family. I respect what you've been doing but you can't keep doing it, this life is a dangerous one. One you don't belong in." He just stares into my eyes, his own getting glassy.

"Plus, I kind of killed your boss." I shrug trying to lighten the mood. He cracks a smile. I'm surprised with how well he's taking the whole shooting thing. He must have seen a lot when he was working with Mason and that pisses me off. He shouldn't have had to go through that.

"I appreciate it, I really do but this is far too much. I can't accept it." He composes himself, siting up straight. If he thinks he's leaving here without it, he's got another thing coming. 

"Grayson, I know I can't tell you who I am exactly, but trust me when I say that this money is nothing to us. It sounds stuck up I know but seriously. And I know my father would much rather have me use it for a good cause than go a shopping spree with it. I'm not taking no for an answer, so don't waste your breathe arguing with me okay?" I say, successfully convincing him. I meant what I said as well, Papa would be proud knowing what I've done. He loves donating to charities and small businesses back in Italy. The mafia doesn't want their people to be afraid of them, even though most are. It's hard to explain to people that you're killing for a greater good. 

"Thank you." Grayson whispers. He stands up and walks over to me, pulling me out of my seat and into a hug. I wrap my arms around him tightly. It feels like forever since I've had a hug as genuine as this. 

We're interrupted when his phone rings. He pulls back and checks the ID. "It's my mom, I should probably get going she'll be worried." He says shoving his phone back into his pocket. I nod my head in agreement, he was probably supposed to be home hours ago. 

After he thanks me about a thousand more times and gives me one last hug, he finally begins his journey home. He decided to get at taxi after declining my offer of a ride. He claimed I had done too much for him already even though I told him that it wasn't any hassle to drive him home. He however insisted on the taxi, well he actually wanted to take the bus so we met in the middle with a taxi. It would be much quicker. 

And after such a long day, I'm definitely ready for my bed. 


I wake up to a knock on my door. I groan rolling over to check my phone. 6am. Ugh, I could've gotten another hour in. Anyways, Who the hell is knocking on my door this early? 

I drag myself out of bed and walk towards the front door. I don't bother looking out the peephole before opening it. I don't know who I was expecting but it definitely wasn't the man standing in front of me right now. 

"Rise and shine Neonata!" Franco exclaims barging past me. I just stand there frozen in shock for a few seconds. What in the actual Fuck? I'm brought back to reality when I hear the kitchen cupboards banging. I shake my head and close the door, making my way into the kitchen. 

Franco is just looking through all my food as I stand and watch him in confusion. I don't understand what's happening right now. What is he doing here? He eventually turns around once he finds my Oreos. Honestly if I wasn't so shocked in this moment, I would've given him into trouble for taking them.

"What are you doing here?" I finally speak. He jumps up and sits on the worktop, finishing off the Oreo in his mouth before replying. "The Capo sent me." He shrugs his shoulders. I just narrow my eyes at him. 

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