Chapter 192: The Chained Devil

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Kashi grinned as he slid to the right, barely dodging the chain devil's snake-like chains. The sickles smashed into the ground, caving the earth. The daeben paid no attention to the devastation as he skillfully weaved his way through the chains. The daeben, not one to only receive gifts, retaliated with a flurry of arrows whenever he got the chance, but the chains around the devil protected him, swatting most aside.

Whoosh! Bam!

The chain devil roared in rage as an arrow zipped past its defenses and struck its chest. Unfortunately, however, the devil's skin was too thick, and the strike only managed a minor injury. Kashi was not bothered too much, as he knew it wasn't a matter of his strength but his arrows' sharpness. His level 100-120 arrows lacked the bite needed to pierce a monster of this level.

It was like using a plastic knife to cut human skin. No matter how strong the person wielding the knife was, as long as the blade wasn't sharp, the exercise would remain futile. The daeben made a mental note to order a new batch of arrows from the dwarfs the next time he visited Merriheim.

Enraged, the chain devil dashed at the daeben and struck its fist down at him. The chain wrapped around its arm flew ahead to ensnare the daeben and make sure he could not escape.

Kashi watched the incoming fist, and his gaze narrowed. Rather than retreat, the daeben charged toward the chain devil as black ki suffused around his right arm.

Bam! Boom!

Kashi dodged the chains with exquisite footwork, gaze focused until he reached the chain devil. The daeben looked at the fist that seemed to blot out the light and lashed out with a punch.

The chain devil roared in anger when it saw Kashi dared to challenge it in a show of strength and piled even more force into its punch. Whoosh! However, seemingly at the last moment, Kashi suddenly spun in place, sidestepping the fist. The chain devil was already a spent force at this stage, unable to retract its punch.

Kashi, who had been waiting for this very opportunity, suddenly punched out at the devil's arm. The massive force sent the devil's arm flying to the side, forcing the rest of its body to spin with it. The daeben seized this chance and rushed into the chained devil's space. He jumped and then delivered a devastating punch to the devil's gut.

The chained devil groaned in pain and staggered backward, momentarily stunned by the heavy blow. But Kashi was far from done. Ever one to capitalize on a chance, the daeben unleashed [Asura] on the exposed midriff. The chained devil repeatedly coughed up blood as the blows bypassed its tough skin to wreak havoc on its vital organs.

The final blow threw the chained devil off its feet into the air. Most monsters would have needed a few seconds to regain clarity after that beatdown focused on its weakness, but the chained devil was a veteran of torture. It only needed a moment in the air before it regained its senses.


The chains moved independently of the devil and zipped toward the daeben, who was momentarily locked in the final animation for [Asura]. That animation only lasted half a second, but in the realm of experts, half a second was enough to determine the winner and loser of a battle.

Kashi's gaze narrowed as he watched the chains descend upon him faster than bullets. However, there was no panic in his eyes. He had the best back-up in the world, after all.

Whoosh! Whoosh!


A dozen arrows suddenly flew past the daeben and smacked the chains to the side, altering their path. Krrr! Unfortunately, however, a single chain zipped past the defenses and slithered toward the exposed daeben. Not even the Archery would be able to release another volley in time to block it. Nothing was stopping it now!

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