Chapter 27: Plan in motion

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Zoe's POV

I adjusted my eyes to the bright hospital room.

I felt something move on the bed next to me.
I looked down to see Alexander sleeping on the chair beside me, with his head on my bed.

Last night after my fall, Alexander rushed me to the hospital, I was in pain.

Luckily the doctor said that nothing happened to the baby, it was my ankle that was sprained.

"Are you feeling okay?" Alexander asked looking up, his eyes meeting mine.

He spent the entire evening here. I don't know if it was the pain from my ankle or the hatred I felt for Alex that wouldn't let me sleep last night, I heard him yelling at the doctors outside my room.

I immediately turned away from him. I wasn't ready to face him, this was technically his fault that this happened to me.

As always, he does something stupid and I have to pay for the consequences. Now I can't even leave his house, at least not until my parents are back.

My poor leg was now covered by a bandage.

At least now if my child was to ever ask why I'll no longer speak to him I'd have a valid reason.

"How are you feeling Ms. Morgans," The doctor asked walking in.

"I'm doing okay," I answered turning to him with a small smile.

"As I said, it's nothing serious. After a few weeks, it should be healed, you'll just have to practice walking on your leg along with some leg exercises. Otherwise, you are free to be discharged today," He explained.

"Thank you," Alex said standing up.

Since last night Alex hasn't asked how exactly I twisted my ankle nor do I plan on telling him either. It was my only advantage that he didn't know that I knew he was plotting against me.

Alex packed the few of my things that he had brought along including my cell phone.

I wanted to go far away and never see him again. All my problems seemed to have started when I met him.

Right now my options were still Limited, I wouldn't be able to stay on my own in this condition. My parents were still away with no cell reception, my brother was still out of town and Reina and Abby were partying in some unknown location.

Like it or not, Alex was stuck to me like a bad habit.

I didn't have many options but to stay, I also wasn't going to be miserable for the remaining three days that my parents would be away.

Which got me thinking. Since Alex is always the cause of my problems, wouldn't it be fair if I caused him some too?

I wanted to shake the idea of revenge out of my mind but then all the bad memories replayed in my head.

I started plotting my revenge against Alex. I'd only stay with a for a few more days until my parents arrive but I'd make sure to leave my mark.

Shortly after, I was discharged from the hospital.

Alex helped me to the car along with a few other nurses. I'd have to use walking clutches for a couple of days.

By the time we finally arrived back at his penthouse, I had fully assessed the situation.

It was time I stopped playing the victim and raise like the strong independent woman I was. I've always allowed things t go on, but now I finally realized what I vicious cycle this was turning into. Just like all my past relationships.

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