Chapter twenty six

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The doctor gave me a week off from school so today I plan on going to talk to Donny. I ask him to meet me by the playground before practice because I need to know what's going on. I see him walking up to me and my heart starts to race, I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. "Wassup?" He stops in front of me with a goofy smile. "Sit." I pat the bench next to me. "Okayyyy." He slowly sits next to me. "What do you know about ghosts? Other than the fact that you were one.." he stares at me for a while before answering. "Well I know that spirits are angry and if possible they will attach themselves to a living soul. If the spirit wants revenge on someone they'll use the host to get through to them. Why?" I take a deep breath and pray that he doesn't laugh or think I'm crazy.

"Well yesterday I passed out in the hallway at school, but when I woke up I wasn't really awake I was on the other side." He frowns. "I called out for Ray but no answer, there was nobody there at all. It was cold and empty.. then a darkness took over and said that I shouldn't have brought you back." Fear covers his face and I immediately know something is wrong. "What?" He grabs my hands in his, "The ghost your talking about is actually a demon from the underworld. My father to be exact, when I went to the elders they told me I have a dark spurt following me because it wants me dead. I think that night in the cemetery my dad might have attached himself to you.." I groan and drop my head in my hands.

"The elders said I couldn't become fully human again because of that, they disappeared soon after." His thinking face come out. "Do you think my dad has something to do with it?" I shake my head but say nothing because I have no clue. I try to remember anything about the other side when I was over there, there was a glimmer of something right before the darkness appeared. "What if nobody is actually gone? What if we just can't see them because the darkness doesn't want us too?" My brain starts to race and I try to think of ways to undo what his father has done on the other side.

"I'm gonna be late for practice, meet me back here tomorrow at the same time okay?" He grabs my hand and places a kiss on my cheek. As he walks away I feel every emotion for him a thousand times over. I stay there on the bench until it gets dark, I can't process my thoughts. I pull my phone out of my bag and inwardly cringe when I see I have three missed calls from Jarell, four texts from Tia and one from Stanley. I check Stans message first because I already know Tia is cussing me out.
Stanley: hey babe where are you? I'm worried xx
Me: I'm okay! I was out clearing my head I didn't hear my phone go off.
After I text him back I call Jarell who picks up on the first ring. "Are you okay mama?" His pet name making me smile. "Much better now that I'm talking to you. Can you pick me up from the park on Lennon?" I can hear shuffling on the other end and then the sound of car keys. "I'm on my way. Stay on the phone with me." I do as he asks and walk to the sign of the park so he can see me when he gets here.

It's silent on his end, "You okay?" I ask him. He sighs and I already know he's upset with me. "I'll talk to you when I know your safe." That puts a end to the conversation so I just listen to him drive. I see his car pulling up so I hang up, when he gets close enough for me to get in the car, he hops out and walks around the side to open my door. "Thanks." He doesn't say anything. The entire ride to my house is silent, I try to think of things to say so he would talk to me but I came up short. He pulls into my driveway and shuts the car off.

I wait for him to speak first because I don't know what to say to him. "First things first, why didn't you answer the phone?" He turns so I can see his face better and all I see is hurt etched into his features. "I didn't hear it ring. I know it sounds like a lie but it's not." My voice isn't anything but a whisper. I feel like I let him down, I screwed up. "I believe you.. why were you at the park with Donny?" I frown but answer his question none the less. "I needed to talk to him about his dad, I was the one who told him he died." Jarells features soften, he places his hand on my thigh. "If your gonna see him again just tell me, okay? I don't want to be left in the dark." I nod and he kisses my forehead.

"I packed a overnight bag. I hope you don't mind." He says with a grin. "Of course not! I love sleep overs." He gets out of the car and walk to the trunk. I watch him pull his backpack out along with a pair of fuzzy slippers. "Before you say anything, Myra bought them for me last year as a gift." We walk inside leaving the small issue we had outside. He pads behind me as I walk to my room. He sets his bag down in the closet pulling out a pair of pajama pants a black tank top. "I'm gonna take a shower." He gives me a kiss before disappearing into my bathroom.

I grab my black pajama pants and my over sized hoodie from the closet. I put the clothes on top of my dresser and wait for Jarell to get out of the shower. His phone starts to ring, quite obnoxiously loud. I reach over and press the power button to silence the call. The vibrating stops and I search for my remote so I can turn on the tv. The text message notification goes off not only once but five times, and then the phone rings again. I go knock on the bathroom door to tell Jarell his phone was ringing, "can you answer it for me?" He shouts through the door. I pad back over to the phone and answer with our looking at the screen.

"Hello?" I say, the line is quiet for a moment. "Who is this?" The voice from the other end asks. "I'm Hailey, Jarell told me to answer the phone. Should I give it to him?" The girl on the other line laughs before answering. "Yes please, oh and tell my boyfriend once he's done with you not to come back!" The line goes dead and I'm left standing in shock. When Jarell comes out of the bathroom I'm on my way to my parents room, I can't look at him right now.

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