I got a Delivery for Tony Stank: Chapter 17

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Time skip, the last chapter was in June, it is now early December, Peter and Gwen have started 11th grade, and are both 17. Appearance changes: Peter has grown taller and is now 6 foot, Gwen has grown taller and is 5' 9". Both look older now, sharper cheek-bones and jawlines, and have grown into their bodies and height yada-yada they're older now. If you haven't guessed yet, Pepper is now 9 months along, and Morgan is due pretty much any day now...hint hint. Let's get started!

Tony POV

Tony was sitting in an armchair, looking out the window, Peter and Gwen were on Winter break, so they were all staying in watching some Holiday Movies. The snow had begun to pile up outside, at least four feet, and it was still coming down. 

Peter and Gwen were snuggled up under one singular quilt, Tony didn't know if they had gotten one quilt on purpose, or if they just subconsciously wanted to cuddle. Then again, Peter and Gwen were now known for having a high school 'marriage' because well, they were 11th graders, and had dated for almost 9 months. 

Speaking of nine months, Pepper's baby bump was...well not a bump, more like a mountain. The doctors had said she was due any day now, which was keeping Tony on edge. 

Pepper, Gwen, and Peter were singing along to one of the songs in the movie when Pepper suddenly stopped and stared at Tony. 

"Hey...hey Tony?"

"What? You okay?"

"Um...yeah, I think my water just broke." 

And with that simple sentence chaos reigned. Gwen let out a squeal, which was unusual, Gwen never squealed. Peter looked excited, and Tony began to panic, rushing around grabbing everything he needed. 

Peter then made Tony's situation worse. "How are you going to get to the hospital in this snow? The roads haven't even been plowed yet." 

*THUNK* all the items Tony had been carrying fell to the ground, and he marched away, a look of determination in his eyes. 

Barely any time passed before an Iron Man suit picked up the items Tony had dropped and flew out a window, which had been remotely opened. Two more came in and grabbed Peter and Gwen, and rocketed away.

Tony then came in with another suit and gently picked up Pepper. Who was chuckling despite the shock and pain (only a little) she was in, "Only you Tony...only you".

The hospital was pretty sure it was the smoothest and fastest entry ever made by expecting parents. The suit that had brought Gwen had already paid and gotten a room booked, as soon as Tony arrived he hopped out of the suit, some nurses put Pepper on a bed, and then wheeled her out. 

Peter and Gwen began to follow, but Tony stopped them. "Look guys, this is as far as you can go...I'll come to get you in a bit" Tony then walked off.

Peter POV

This was boring. Peter was excited but also bored out of his mind. He had no clue as to how long he and Gwen had been sitting there. But it had to have been for a while because he was pretty sure it was dark when they arrived, and unless his eyes were seeing things it was getting bright outside. Looking to his right, he saw Gwen, she was resting her head on his shoulder, asleep. 

Sighing Peter rested his head atop of hers. 



Peter and Gwen jumped apart and out of their seats. They must have fallen asleep. 

A beaming Tony Stark was standing in front of them, a smile seemed to have permanently adhered to his face. 

"Come on!" He then practically skipped away. 

Shrugging Gwen went to follow him, Peter close behind. Arriving with Tony at room 246, they walked in, and then they instantaneously melted into puddles of adoration and love. 

Pepper was sitting up in a hospital bed. Holding a bundled up baby, who had a little tuff of curly dark hair sitting atop its head. 

Pepper gave the newborn over to Tony, who then carefully walked over to Peter and Gwen. 

"Peter, Gwen, meet Morgan Howard Stark" 

(A/N that is true btw Morgan's middle name is Howard...kinda weird) 

Peter and Gwen figuratively melted some more.

A day later and the group was heading back home, tired, happy, and one member larger. 


Peter and Gwen were sitting on the couch, Tony and Pepper were off to one side, trying to get Morgan to bed.

"Hey, Pete?"


"Will we ever be like that...a family?"

Peter inhaled sharply, he and Gwen had been dating for a 'long' time...by high school standards. But he hadn't ever thought of the distant future. And yet, now that he was, he could only think of that future with Gwen by his side. 

"No," he said simply, Gwen looked at him startled and a little hurt. 

"We would be trying to get the kid off the wall, and stay still long enough to get it to bed..." Peter splayed his arms out wide, and spoke in a narrating voice "Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider against the diabolical, Spider Baby!" He couldn't keep a straight face and chuckled. 

Gwen lightly slapped Peter's shoulder, before snuggling back into him. "We would, wouldn't we" Gwen then closed her eyes, a slight smile dancing across her face. Pepper and Tony eventually got Morgan to bed, by then Peter and Gwen were fast asleep on the couch, so they let them stay there, after all, it was just more material to taunt them with later...and it was cute.


Peter and Gwen were awoken by a loud cry and hurried footsteps. Jumping up and immediately getting into fighting positions, which if they could see themselves would be funny (imagine two seventeen-year-olds, both with huge bed-heads jumping up into a fighting stance, one that is sloppy and horrible because they are both still half-asleep) they were met with a Tony who also had a huge bedhead, in a bathrobe, trying to get a crying Morgan back to sleep.

Sighing and settling back down on the couch, Peter smiled. While it may be filled with danger, loss, excitement, and trouble, this was his life; 

And it was good. 

Done! Time skips are going to become a lot more common, but hey! Morgan is here! yay! Gwen and Peter have been dating for practically 9 months! I'm sorry to say, you all probably won't get any 'date' scenes, as I have none planned, but don't worry... there will be a ton of fluff.

The next chapter will have a one-year time skip, be prepared.



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